A Place Full of Hidden Memories (1/?)

Dec 04, 2011 01:49

Title: A Place Full of Hidden Memories (1/3)
Pairing: YamaChii
Genre: Mystery
Rating: G
Summary: Yamada Ryosuke a 18-years old guy returns to a village where he used to live when he was a kid to find out the point of his odd dreams. Something must happened to him before, something what he doesn't remember.
There he meets his little mysterious bestfriend in the past, Chinen Yuri. (I don't think this summary is good, just read it ne... :) )

Childhood. Isn't it something wonderful? Being a child we don't appreciate it, do we?
By the time pass by, we grow up. Not noticing it everything is in the past, only in a one eye blink. As we face all the difficulties of the world, sometimes we wish that we could return to the time when everything was so easy, when we were kids.
Come to think about it, we really enjoyed that time, didn't we? We ran all around, played with everyone and did everyhthing in joy.
Everyone has at least even one memory of their childhood ...Or does? Doesn't we need to keep those precious memories?


Near Tokyo city lives a 18 years old guy named Yamada Ryosuke. He lives alone in a not so big house. He doesn't have any close person to him. He lost his family in the fire when he was a kid. Now the only thing he has is himself and the house.
The world is too cruel to us but even after losing his family, Yamada tries to do his best at life and stay strong. It's the only choise he has.
One thing makes him easy being strong. He doesn't know why he doesn't have a family. It's because he hit his head when he was little. All of his memory about the childhood fade away like a smoke in the air.

His condition was perfect until now. He sweats a lot during his sleep and when he wakes up he's pale as a ghost. He walked to the washroom. He wash his face with a water and watched at himself in a mirror wondering what's wrong with him.
He has seen this dream lately a lot. Every night, the same dream.

The house burns in a fire. A little young boy about 6 years old, sitting in the corner while warm tears ran down his chubby cheeks. He cries and cries, tears doesn't stop from flowing down. Everytime he wipes them away as they roll down. He had never been so scared before.He couldn't scream for a help.
Hopless he cries until he heard a familiar pichi voice of his bestfriend. Black haired girl runs up to him with a tears on her cute face. She grabs boy's hands and tries to pull him up but it was useless. She is too weak for a chubby cheeked boy.
Thick smoke make her weaker and little girl faints. Chubby cheeked boy just watch at her in shock and with eyes full tears, innocent doesn't know what to do.

And here it ends. A mysterious dream he has ever seen.
Not so long he started to see dreams of a small village where everything is so joyful until an accident. Kids that always used to play outside sudden stopped doing that. Village seemed so dead.


One day on evening Yamada decided to clean up the attic. While cleaning he found a big cardboard box. He peeked inside where he found a lot of old toys. Digging deeper inside the box he found a photograph of a cute young girl. She had a shoulder lenght black hair. She smiled joyfully, every boy could fall for her.
Yamada walked down stairs still staring at the photo. He walked to his room and sighing he placed the picture on the desk. Laying himself on the bed next to desk, he looked up. Once again he took the photo in his hands and looked at it clearier. Then his eyes widened. He realize that he have seen this girl in his dreams.
Could it be then that those dreams aren't ordinary dreams. They should mean something, right? He turned the photo and on the other side was sloppy writed address. Yamada frowned for a while when he already was sitting at his desk. He switched his laptop on and deluooded (Japanese google) the address.
He found out the address that he was seaching, is placed in a small village in Southern Japan. Yamada immediately grabbed his case and started to pack his stuff in it.


On the next morning he was already standing at the train stance with a ticked in his hand, waiting train to arrive. He watched at the right and the at the left, but nothing. Still patiently he waited and after about 8 minutes his train arrived.
He sat on his place and digged out manga from his case and began to read it.


Yamada opened his eyes and realize that he has fallen asleep. He checked his watch and it was almost 7 in the evening. Soon train arrived and as soon as Yamada stepped outside he felt something, what he never has felt past these years. This place gave a warm feeling but at the same time his heart skipped fast.
He made his moves further and step by step his lips moved wider and wider. It's been a long time since Yamada has smiled, and he doens't himself know why this place cause him to smile. He just feels like it.

Again back to why he came here. The girl on the picture, maybe she knows something about why Yamada sees this weird dreams. Yamada took the paper where he wrote down the address and start to look for the house. He reached a two layered light green house. He didn't hesitate and pressed the doorbell.
He waiter for a while until the door opened. Behind the door Yamada saw a short boy with a cute face. "Can I help you?'' He asked with his pichi voice smiling. Something is so familiar about him, but what? ''Ano... I'm seaching for this girl.'' Yamada show the picture to the latter one.
''She already grew up. I don't have any other pictures aside this and the address on the other side lead me here.'' He added explaining. While explaining he could see that boy's smile fade away, he looked irritated. ''Well, yeah. She lives here.'' He said. ''Ah, really? Can I meet her?'' Yamada excited a bit.
''No.'' Boy said stubbornly. ''Eeeh!? Hey listen, I came here not to play games with you! I need to meet her for some important reasons!!'' Yamada louder his tone. ''Go away.'' He said and closed the door.

''What the....!?!?''

Yamada pressed doorbell again and this time the one who opened the door to him was a woman. ''Hello there.'' She said smiling. Yamada sighed and showed the picture to her. ''Can I meet her?'' He asked. Woman hummed for a while. ''Sure. Come in.''
Ryosuke stepped inside, gently removed his shoes and followed woman to the kitchen. At the kitchen's table was sitting the same boy, who opened the door to him before.
''Mama! Why did you let him in!?'' He whined to his mother.  ''But he wanted to see you.'' She answer him innocent.
''So you are...?'' Yamada asked pointing at him. ''Yeah and I'm not a girl!!'' Boy answer irritated. ''Gomenasai.'' Yamada bowed and smiled gently. Little boy couldn't do anything else than blush a bit.

Yamada sat opposite the boy. He didn't knew from what to start. Boy's mother placed two cups of tea for them and left them alone.
''Ano... umm... first, my name is Yamada Ryosuke and eto...'' Saying his name boys eyes widened. ''R-R...'' He stuttered. ''Ryo-chan!?'' He shout his nickname. Boy didn't wait no longer, he stood up and ran to hug him.
''I missed you SO MUCH!!!" He said as he tighter his hug. Yamada couldn't react more than be shocked.
In boy's eye corners stared to form tears. They roll down his cheeks and place on Yamada neck.

''Gomen ne.'' Boy said as he release the hug. He wiped his tears with his right hand as he said. '' I just... I never thought that I will see you again. It's been so long...'' Yamada just smiled. He didn't knew what else to do.
''I have changed a lot... You must not recognize me... Chinen Yuri desu! And sorry for what happened while ago...'' Chinen bowed. ''mm-m, daijoubu.'' Yamada shook his head. ''You're not happy to see me?'' Chinen pouted. ''No I... I just, don't re...member you.'' Yamada said stiffly.
''You...'' Chinen blinked twice. ''Gomenasai.'' Yamada looked down.
''Throught all these years... I've been always thinking, worried about you and you simply... forgot me?'' Chinen said coldly. ''I'm sorry.'' ''You're sorry!?'' Little boy raised his tone. ''It's not my fault.'' Ryosuke still stay calm.
''It's not your fault...'' Chinen said his eyes widened not having an exact spot he's looking at.


''RYO-CHAN~! DOKO!?!?'' Black haired boy screams for his bestfriend. It's been only one day since Ryosuke lost his family in a fire. Chinen's family has promised themself to keep care of him until he grow up and is ready to live his own life by himself.
Little boy entered old house where nobody haven't lived for a years. He saw his friend sitting in the corner stucked onto his knees.
''Ryo-chan, what are you doing in a such a creepy place?'' He asked approaching him but got no responds from latter boy. He kept silent. Black haired boy sighed and sat beside him.
''It's my fault. Everything happened because of me'' Suddenly brown haired boy said. ''No, Ryo-chan. It's not your fault at all. You can't blame yourself for that.'' Chibi tried to get him change his thoughts but it seem to be useless. ''It is and nobody can change that.''
''Even if it is, you have to move on, desho? I know it's hard for you right now but...'' ''What do you know!?'' Boy cut chibi as he raised his voice.''You don't know anything! You can't even imagine how terrible is this all!! You only smile and act innocent in front of everyone. You don't know what is pain!!''
Boy stood up yelling at smaller. Other could only look at him with his big shocked eyes. Soon Ryosuke has realised what he has done. ''Yuri...'' He last time looked at him. ''I'm sorry.'' He said and ran away. Since that nobody haven't seen this child anymore.

-end of the flashback-

''It's not your fault, Ryo-chan.'' Chinen has repeat this sentence for quite a long time. ''Are you alright?'' Yamada asked latter titling his head on the side. Chinen just nodded coldly and looked up at the boy. ''So, why you came back?'' He put his usual smile on his lips.
Yamada sighed before telling his story. He asked Chinen to sit down before he could begin. Chinen as soon as possible took his seat and carefully listenet to him.
''Well... I think I forgot something else beside you. Every night I see odd dreams of this place and I don't know why. I don't know this place at all. Then I found a picture of a giii...boy,  that I have seen in my dreams and as I found the address I thought that I can find something here.
Something that will make stop those nightmares.''
''Sou ka, so all I have to do is tell you about this place and what happened here?'' Yamada nod seriously.

''Tell him everything...? I can't. He was so hurt that time, how can I tell him that horrible thing since he forgot about it? I don't want to see the only one person I love the most suffer. My heart couldn't take it that time, it won't survive again. What should I do???''

''You know Ryo-chan... I don't remember either. Don't think about it and nightmares will end.'' He smiled innocently.
''You think so?'' ''Un.''

Chinen started walking out of the kitchen. Yamada followed him, not knowing why.
''I'm so glad that you came here and now, everything will be as before ne. I missed those days when were little.'' He said approaching stairs that lead on the first floor. ''You'll stay here, right?'' He stepped at 5 first stairs an turned his body to face Yamada.
''For a... couple days or weeks, I guess. Depents on how I will remember the things.'' Yamada answer him, touching the top of railing and avoiding chibi's eyes.
Chinen didn't said anything and turn back to continue his way to where he was going. He walked straight until they reach Chinen's room on the right side. Both of them went inside his room. Chinen closed the door after Yamada entered it.
''So you're going to leave me again? Even after you remember me?'' Chinen said with trembling voice. He didn't watched at Yamada. He didn't wanted that older boy see his tears that has already flowed down on his cheeks.
He doesn't usually cry in front of someone but to lose his crush once again is not something he would want to happen.
''I'm sorry, but I have my own life outside there.'' Yamada said sitting down on Chinen's soft bed. ''What about me then?'' Chinen asked still standing at the same place and still holding the door handle. ''I don't want to lose you again, Ryo-chan.''
''Chinen...'' Yamada stood up as he noticed the tears on his beautiful face. He walked closed to the boy and hugged him letting latter to cry everything out. He stroked his head with his right hand slowly and leaned his own face on Chinen's head.
After a moment Chinen has calmed down. Yamada released the hug and gave to the smaller one his wide smile. Chinen faked his smile. Yamada felt something wrong with that smile but he didn't paid too much attention.
Chinen hugged older boy and whispered to him. ''I'll bring sheets and everything for you.''


It was already night. Chinen has fell asleep but Yamada is still awake lying on the futon, both his hands placed on the back of his head. He thought of how will everything turn out. It's really difficult to be him at the moment.
How he wanted the time back when he didn't have any problems like these and continue his life like before. Before he started to see those dreams. But on the other hand, he met Chinen. This cute small boy.
He looked smiling at how he sleeps peacefully curled in the blanket. Then he turned his look to the left window and saw white full moon shining in the sky. Suddenly, he wasn't sure but he had kind of idea that he saw a falling star.
Yamada quickly sat up on the knees, crossed his arms together and closed his eyes, making a wish, hoping it will come true.

''I wish to remember...''

Once again about someone losing his memory xDD
This had to be one-shot but it gets too long for it
So here is gonna be like about 2 or 3 more parts.

Sorry for wrong spelling,grammar etc...
Feel free to read and commenst are loved !! :)

g, yamachii, mystery

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