Replaced (Chapter 2)

Sep 06, 2014 00:46

Title: Replaced ( Read more... )

school life, fluff, yamachii, mystery, romance, pg

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windy_0809 September 16 2014, 09:15:26 UTC

Ryosuke is so sweet damnnnnnnnnnnnn >< *hugs Chii*

And what's Yuto's role actually??? why does his attitude change? XD I feel cold when it comes to his scene lol

It's good fic Riina-chan ,I'll keep following your fic as well XD by the way can i add you ?? XD


riina8chi September 16 2014, 10:34:33 UTC
I'm sorryyy~ <(。_。)>
I'll update as soon as I can
Gomen ne~ haha~

I know, right
He's a very kind person~

Haha does it give you chills~
You'll figure out about him and everyone else later~ :D

Thank youuu, um, what is your name by the way? xD
Yayyy, and of course you can!! (o^^o)


windy_0809 September 17 2014, 11:26:25 UTC
Yes yes seme must always be the one who comforted XD

LMAO yes it does =))))) *whispers* if there is someone related to Yuto here then i hope that will be Keito XD

Just call me Windy like the nickname *^^*
*I just recognized that I added you even before your permission haha xD

Btw, I have been using lj for 1 month only so I really want to ask something but I know no one so ...huhu ..Can you tell me how to post a chapter (which has over 3000- 4000 words) without cutting it to many parts? When I did that it always appeared the line "the post is too large" but .. I saw some ppl could post a long chapter like that :(


riina8chi September 17 2014, 17:17:49 UTC

Eeeh, I haven't thought that far to give Yuto anyone
But my pairings are usually the same xD
I always pair Yuto with Keito so if he'll have anybody it will be no other than Keito :D
So don't worry *^.^*

Aahahah that's fine~

Ohhhh, I'm sorry but I have no idea
I never had any problems posting a long post
Actually somebody asked me this same question once but she figured it out on her own in the end
Unfortunately, I don't even remember who it was so I can't ask her >,<
I'm really sorry~
I can try looking it up, if I find anything I'll let you know then~


windy_0809 September 18 2014, 02:24:36 UTC
I can read JUMP fics with many different pairings, even if in fact they have no hint in the group haha XD

Yep yep I already knew you're at OkaJima's side so I told you that lol .I only ship Yuto with Keito ( & sometimes ship him with Chii xD). About Ryosuke's partners, that must be Yuya, Chii, Dai-chan *^^*

Huhu ... Ok ok that's fine ...Sometimes I got the feeling that LJ don't let the newbies posting long chapters T____T

Thank you so much for that *bows* I hope I'll figured it out soon ~~~ *cries*


riina8chi September 18 2014, 08:48:39 UTC
Ahahah sou ka~
Eeh, me tooo~~~
Or more like I used to
Now I'm too biased with YamaChii, it always must be them XD

No problem, and I found this, I don't know if it'll help but you can try it:
There is explained why people might not be able to post a longer post than what the limit is (*^_^*)


windy_0809 September 20 2014, 10:08:26 UTC
haha sou ~ XD
I know that biased thingy .lol so does everyone =))

So it's because of the entry's font !! Mine is too large OwO

I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!! >< THank you so much much much !! *bows*


riina8chi September 20 2014, 20:04:51 UTC
Hahhah yup yup yup

I'm so glad we were able to figure it out ^^
You're very welcome~~ (^-^)/


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