Remember the Past Chapter. 3

Sep 11, 2011 15:09

Title: Remember the Past Chapter. 3
Pairing: YamaChii (main), Inoobu,OkaJima
Raiting: PG 13
Genre: Drama,angst,a bit comedy
Summary: Chinen has got in accident what followed him to get in hospital.
He went through the shock while the accident time so now he had forgotten some things like his friends and family members.
On time he remember all of them but he still can't remember what happened on that day.
On a day before he got in hospital.On a day he was still happy like usual. On a day when he saw his lover last time and where to seach him from now on?

"On that day Yabu-kun told me to buy some ingredients for a dinner. On a way to supermarket I walked past the motorcycle and noticed that it had broken brakes.
I thought owner has noticed it as well but when I returned from the store I saw Yama-chan driving that same motorcycle with Chinen behind him. I tried to shout to him as hard as I could but none of them heard. And the worst is... Yamada was the only to wear a helmet."
"Eeeh !? How come?!?!" Keito cut him wondering.
"I don't know.." Yuto answered watching at his own hands while Keito at him.
"I ran after hoping to catch them which was impossible but I didn't gave up.
After running some kilometres I stop to catch a breath. It was already dark, only thanks to street lights I could see where I was going to. I watched around and noticed a lot of grey smoke coming from afar. I ran there and saw Chinen lying on the ground. I lift him to sitting position and leaned him on me and took helmet off from his head. When smoke dissipated a bit, I saw next to us lying Yamada with motorcycle some steps away from him.
His...his head much of blood..."
Yuto covered own mouth with his right palm. Keito stood up and as he walked up to Yuto he gave a warm hug to him.

"Shhh.. It's okay..." He said as he stoked Yuto's head and kissed him to forehead.

"Seems like he knew about broken brakes and that's why he gave his helmet to Chinen.." Tears run down on his cheeks.
"At that moment I didn't know what to do. I lifted Chinen and take him to the hospital in bridal style. Then I called you."
Yuto told as he was able to continue.

Then Yuto heard his phone vibratoring. He wiped his tears and looked at who was calling him.
"Moshi moshi? Hi, umm... He said he's doing his homework so he asked not to bother him while that. I think he switched his phone off because of that. Ah okay.. un, bye."
"Who was it? What he or she said?"
"It was Inoo. He called me because he wasn't able to call Yabu.. They are on a way here."
"Aaah okay."


One week has passed and now Yabu and Hikaru are on their way to JUMP house with their lovely little giant Chinen.

Chinen steps his first feet in the house.
"TADAIMAA ~!!" He yelled enought hard so the each soul could hear him. As others heard his voice coming from hallway, they ran up to him with a joy.
"Welcome back Chinen !!" Everyone shout together as they welcomed him with a big hug.
Chinen laughed as they did that but after scanning every member his happy expression changed quite fast to a sad.
It wasn't hard for members to notice that as they let go of him, wondering.

"Chii.. what happened?" Daiki asked him.
"Yama-chan is still in America... Aaah!"
Realizing that he just returned back to home from hospital where everyone were happily greeting him, he only greets them back with a sadness.
"Gomen gomen! Arigatou minna! I missed you~" He bowed.

They watched at each other with sad eyes and back to Chinen but with a smiles on their faces just like nothing even happened.


Chinen sits on bed in his room browsering some photographs with him and Yamada on them.
"Come back soon, ne?" He says with a smile on his pink lips.
He heard some knocks to his room door. "Haai?" He watched at door waiting for someone to open it. Slowly handle descends down and door opened. There was Yuto standing and watching at little boy on the bed.
By looking at Yuto, Chinen couldn't tell what kind of expression he has.
"Chinen come over here." Yuto said calmly to him
Chinen nod. He put photos down on his bed and left room with Yuto who lead him to the hall.

Chinen saw motorcycle standing there.
"Chinen.. Do you remember this?" Yuto asked him as he patted motorcycle's seat.
Chinen only shooks his head knowing nothing.
"It may look save but it hides many scratches behind its. Actually I don't want you to remember anything of this.. But I know one day you will.. If you remember please, don't...." He continued but paused on last sentence.
" 'Don't' what?" After a little silence Chinen asked.
"I'm sorry." "For what?" Chinen didn't get it at all now. He was full outside of what Yuto talks about.
"Yuto, please stop talking so mysteriously! I don't get it! What's with this motorcycle? What about the scratches? What happened!?"
"Nothing.. Sorry for bothering you..." He said and walked away.
"Mou~" Chinen pouts as he returned to his room back to photos.
He jumped on his bed and surprisingly, he didn't saw anything there.

"WHERE ARE THEY!?!?!" Chinen yells.
He seach every place and none sign of them.

"Chii, what happened!?" Yabu worriedly ran to his room as he hear him yelling. He saw whole room in mess and Chinen standing right in middle of the room.
"My photographs! They're gone!!" He said with some tears on his face.
"Where did you saw them last time?" "They were on the bed! Just while ago I put them on my bed and now they're gone!!"
Chinen pushed Yabu and walked downstairs.
"GUYS GIVE THEM BACK!!" He came to livingroom where everyone were watching TV and yelled at them angrily.
"What are you talking about?" Keito asked.
"Stop making fun of me! I know one of you took my photographs while I was with Yuto!" He pointed at taller boy.
"If someone tries to put a joke, it's not fun at all!!" He yells.
"Chinen.. All of us have been here all the time. No one did walked upstairs since you came home." Yuya explained.
"But where they are then?" His eyes became teary.
"Ryo-chan will be angry at me if he gets to know that I lost our photographs.." He wiped his tears every time they flowed down from his eyes.

"What is this feeling!? Am I sick? Why I feel so cold suddenly? It's hot summer night, how can I get cold!?"

"I think I need a rest.. I'm going to take some sleep...Goodnight guys.."

Boys kept silence until they heard Chinen closing his door.
"This is strange.." Daiki who was laying on the floor said watching at other members.
"What are you worrying about? Week ago he did lost his memory. He probably still just don't remember stuffs what he did." Hikaru found a way to explain the situation.
"But.. I saw how he put them on the bed.." Yuto was a bit scared.
"Maybe it's a ghost?" Ryutaro suggested.
"Yeah!! It's an evil ghost who steals little boys pictures to make them cry~ so watch out Ryutaro, you are the next victim!" Hikaru tried to scare hamster but got a big slam on his head from Takaki who was sitting beside him on couch.
"Hey! Don't hit me, you bitch!!"
"What did you call me!?"
"Stop fighting!!" Yabu shouts from couch next to their with Inoo in his embrace to  make their non-sense fighting stop.
"Here are no ghost! We all just need a rest just like Chinen. Now everyone to bed!" He continued as he turned TV off.

"Ryo-chan, you finally did that, ne~!"
"Un! All thanks to you my little squirrel. Thank you for your help."
"Everything for you, my dear!!" Little boy said as he leaned a kiss on older boys lips.
"Wanna ride with me one day?" Brown haired boy asked as he release their kiss.
"Sure!" He got another sweet kiss from his little lover.


After this dream Chinen seen, he couldn't get a sleep anymore. See Yamada in his dreams but not having him by his side, is the worst what could happen to him.
He took his phone from table beside his bed and started to type a number.

"Please answer. I want to hear your voice after so long.."

Chinen hopes but all what he heard on other line was..
"This number does not exist."

"What..?" He was shoked and disappointed.

He typed number once again and checked that he did type right.
Again he heard same sentence.

"What's going on?"

Chinen wear Yamada's favorite black hoodie with white flying stars on it that he got from him to show to others that Chinen is his. He left room leaving door open.
Chinen comes to a hall he was earlier with Yuto and walked to a motorcycle touching it with his right hand.
He moved it from seat to the controler.

"Yuto says he don't want me to remember.. Then maybe I don't even need to ..?"

Sorry for mistakes and other stuffs..!
I know, my english sucks!! Sorry for that >.<
And also sorry for not replying all of your comments !!
I just don't always know what to answer...gomen ne....
Even so, your comments are welcomed :)

Feel free to read ne~

yamachii, mystery, angst

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