Kissable Lips (Ficlet)

Feb 08, 2013 15:02

Title: Kissable Lips

Author: riina8chi

Pairing: YamaChii

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Fluff

Summary: While Yamada occupied bathroom, Chinen found a magazine with tips on how to make lips more kissable. He wanted to try it out.

"Ryosuke!! You're not the only one here! I need to use bathroom too!!" Chinen hit the door to bathroom where his boyfriend was currently.
The older boy was inside already for 20 minutes. It's not a surprise for the younger boy because Yamada always spends a lot of time in the bathroom, putting every kind of face creams and masks to keep his face silky smooth.

"I'll be ready in 5 minutes!" the brown haired boy yelled from inside.

Chinen only groaned and before leaving the door he kicked it.

He threw his body on a bed and rolled on it few times. Right now they were in a hotel with their group. Usually Chinen can wait, if his lover takes the bathroom but not now when they have to hurry and leave as soon as possible.

The little boy was lying on his stomach while observing the room. They arrived in the hotel only at night, so he didn't bother to look what kind of their room was, the only thing he cared about back then was to lie on a bed and fall asleep.

He looked at a desk beside the bed and saw a magazines on it. Since the older boy will probably take the bathroom for more than 5 minutes like he said, Chinen reached for the magazine.

He flipped pages one by one, looking at boring titles of the text. It was a magazine for girls that was telling about fashion, make up tips, of course he wasn't interested in those. But then he stopped at one page where he noticed a title saying "How to make your lips kissable". Chinen stared for a long time at it and then turned to look back, at the direction of bathroom. He bit his lip slightly and then started to read the text.

"It's yours now." Yamada came out of the bathroom with a small towel wrapped around his neck.

"Finally!" Chinen said as he closed the magazine and put it back where he got it.

Then he walked to his case where he took out his toothbrush and paste. He locked the door and started to brush his teeth. After he was done with it, he looked at his brush, remembering the text he read.

"That's stupid..." he thought and bit his lip.

Then he licked them and after brought the brush to his lips. He started to brush his lips tenderly with rolling movements while stretching lips with his other hand to make it easier to brush.

Then with a towel he dried his lips and chin where the water drops escaped too, and unlocked the door.

He saw Yamada was packing his pajama into a suitcase and then started to walk toward Chinen, to bring his cream from the bathroom but before he could do that he stopped and looked at his lover

He frowned. Something is different about the boy but he couldn't say what it is. Then he tilted his head slightly.

"Nani?" Chinen questioned but the latter didn't answer him.

The frown on Yamada's face started to become lower, eyebrows almost touching his eyes and his lips were forming into a slight pout as he still couldn't tell what was different about his lover.

His eyes observed each part of the face. Eventually they wandered down to smaller boy's face and stopped at his lips, and that's when his frown faded away, as well did the pout. His mouth was opened slightly as he stared at smaller boy's lips. He licked his upper lip and bit bottom lip softly. He put his hands on Chinen's shoulders while still staring at his lips. Then he pushed himself forward to catch those attractive to him lips.

He kissed his upper lip while slightly sucking it and then their lips went apart. His brain processed the touch and he understood that there was something about his lips. He wrapped his right arm around Chinen's neck and pulled him closer, while he started to kiss him again. And Chinen was holding his boyfriend's waist at the meantime.

Their turn on licking upper and bottom lip changed all the time. The older boy couldn't get enough of his lips as he kissed every part of the lips for many times, without missing any spot.
Yamada's both hands travelled to capture Chinen's face and pulled him slightly up still hungrily kissing the latter. Pulling the face up worked as he has planned, Chinen's mouth jaw dropped a little. While his mouth was opened, Yamada took the chance to shove his tongue inside. He rolled it around Chinen's tongue while the latter was only rolling his own to older boy's rhythm

Chinen placed his hands on Yamada's arms, holding onto him tightly as his body started to give in. He started to close his mouth as a sign for older boy to take his tongue out. They continued kissing for few seconds after it and then Yamada pulled apart.

He smiled to his lover widely his teeth on display, showing latter how happy he is. Chinen smiled too, his body still weak a little.

Then someone knocked to their room and their heads turned to look who will come in to the room. The door opened and a head of one of their group members peeked in.

"Are you two ready?" Takaki asked while looking at the couple hugging.

"5 minutes and we're ready." Yamada responded still with the same smile placed on his face.

"Okay." Takaki responded and left them.

Yamada turned at his lover's side and rubbed his nose agains the smaller boy's nose. Then he pecked him on the lips and went to the bathroom to take the cream he wanted to take from the beginning.

"I shall do that more often." Chinen giggled while touching his lips.



Because I'm in a super happy mood today
I wanted to share something ''good''/happy/non-angst :D

This idea somehow popped in my mind, hehe

Enjoy reading!!

Feel free to a leave comment and make my day even better! >w<

fluff, pg-13, yamachii

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