Title: A Place Full of Hidden Memories (2/3)
Pairing: YamaChii, YamaJima (slight)
Rating: PG
Genre: Mystery, slight angst
Summary: Yamada Ryosuke a 18-years old guy returns to a village where he used to live when he was a kid to find out the point of his odd dreams. Something must happened to him before, something what he doesn't remember.
There he
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I'm still want friend with you ne
okay2..I will waiting you
and your fics too ^^
It's only for a month Aka-chan~
And I will probably fiind some time to talk with you ^^
but next weeks I will not together with you all
I have exam maybe same with you
end of may I will in Lj back
*sob sob*
Hai, I also have exams...
then it's same with me
Hope we can talk on fb or here then >.<
I hope so
you know right science subject
chemistry,biology,physics and additional mathematics
really really really difficult subject
many thing should memorize
like formula *sigh
but I have study
so I be okay now XD
yeah2..hope we can talking in fb or Lj
I'm gonna dieeee T.T
Then I have math, social studies, chemistry and swedish exams
And I hate all of theeeese!!!
I'm so dead I'm sooo deaaad Aka-chan help mee
Take me away from here T.T
I have japanese and english exam
after that biology,chemistry,add math and physics
and visual art education XD
=.= I feel so stress because must memorize
the formula XD
I love all this except english and geography subject XD
I hate that !
I want help you but we in the same boat
let's escape from this exam
I want to die too
my family really busy now
feel like I don't get love from them
I'm alone !!!
take me away from here too T^T
ah, me too...
My hair starts to drop again becoz of stress
I'm going to be bald D:
ahaha well, I like English xD
It's one of my favorite subjects
But now our tecaher changed and I hate the new one
She's so annoying! hate her...
Mou~ poor Haru-chan
Let's escape together >.<
I love japanese because I love study kanji
your teacher changed it?
poor you
I hate physics teacher
he thought our class so good?
i know my class is the best and ever XD
smart class but not all people in my class so smart
yeah..when i get fever
they just call doctor come to our house
and they more think about work than me
where should we escape? XD
But there's too much of them haha XDD
Well I mean if you also learn how to write each kanji you're learning...
Hai, before we had fun and nice teacher
But now ssjkdfhwoaerjnfoö argghhhh *rips my hair*
Everyone hates her (well I never heard someone would say 'hey she's good')
And no wonder why -.-'
I hat eour physic teacher too! ><
haha our class teacher told our parents that our class is the weirdest class in the whole our school history XDDDDDD well, it is actually really weird... :''D
Demo if they call doctor it already means they care about you, desho?
Well, I don't know that feeling so I don't know if I can help ><
Demo you have your Munya, desho
He (it's he, right?XD) will always be beside you ne~ >w<
okay, let me think.....
but my sensei really nice and we call her angel
because she never scold us XDD
and errr I hate my physics teacher too
always said "you all in good class..first class how can your attitude like a monkey"
shit that teacher call us maonkey?
but all people thought our class really nerd
but actually it's really worst and terrible class
and I always get scold by that teacher because always teasing friend at in front me because that subject really bored ==
sou desu..my physics have told like that too XD
ma~~~ I don't know
my mama and papa so weird hahaha
don't worry
because I always happy ^^
yeah2..Munya is my new best friend
I try to bring him sleep with me
but I can't
because I really allergic with pet actually
it can cause me hard to breath XDDD
yeah...run away from exam too !!!
Lucky you ne~
Ahahaha XDD our teachers tell us that they feel like they're in the childgarden when it comes to our class...
Haha same with me~ I tease my friends during the lessons xD *high five*
That's good~ :)
Ah sou ka. mou, do you have astma?
hai *runs*
yeah..my teacher said our class so werid
not like smart class
e are normal ne~ XD
I dislike looking my friend really focus when she heard physics teacher
talking something
I don't have asthma
because the prove is I can run faster ne
and never get something dangerous XD
I just can't with pet because the fur? bristle?
I don't know how to say that word XD
yeah2..*run with you*
Coz I get bored when my friend get too focused on the lesson meanwhile I don't listen at all xD
Sou ka, my brother's like that too
He gets allergic to our pets' fur
and I know although she really focus she will fail for that subject
for sure XDDD
because she really don't understand it XDDD
I must using mask if I want playing with my dog
because I have stay at hospital when I with my old dog who was die before
I'm not using mask XDDD
I can't breath like normal
and it make me dizzy and faint XD
but I don't think so it can make me die XDDD
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