lol copenhagen interpretation

Jul 19, 2009 14:37

I had a dream just as I woke up that I was staying an extra night with my darlings. I woke up with a actual =( face. Needless to say I fixed that pretty sharpish, but nonetheless it was a lame way to wake up. I had a bath for the first time since getting back from the states... it was glorious. My legs are all beautiful and smooth again, and I used a bath foam/shower gel I found in Tesco's for £2.00 both as soap and in the bathwater and it smelled exactly like vanilla syrup and I had a whibbly face the whole time because it smelled so good. I can still smell it very subtly on my skin and it's like walking around in a haze of deliciousness. The brand was Treaclemoon, and they do really good-smelling coconut stuff too (yes, I went along the shelf smelling all the bath foam).

When I was in Seattle, my darlings showed me Hellsing for the first time. I immediately developed the biggest crush/rape complex on Walter (and oh my god I will find a way to kidnap that man somehow!!), but a character that's been growing on me in a big way lately is Schrödinger, who I've recently volunteered to start roleplaying. Obviously the fact that he's a chipper little cat boy is a huge plus, but I'm also really drawn to the idea of playing a character whose existence depends on a fake law of physics. Schrödinger's cat, as far as I can tell, comes from this fake idea which is now called the Copenhagen Interpretation, which was basically just invented to try and avoid using Everett's Interpretation (the true one, that says there is a multiverse), and said that all physically possible states exist... until observed, at which point only one (the observed state) exists. So, Schrödinger's Cat can be both dead and alive at the same time until observed, at which point one of those states ceases to exist and the cat is either alive or dead. Schro-chan is a self-aware version of this... but "this" is arrant, abject nonsense. The best part of the Copenhagen Interpretation is that you're not allowed to ask why it happens! It really is just a great big "omg Everett stfu D:" and nothing much more-which is presumably why nobody seriously believes it any more. I know all this, and yet I get to play Schro-chan, who is "everywhere and nowhere" (cue little Rihatsu hovering Sorrow-like on the sidelines with her placard reading "BAD SCHRO-CHAN, you are in various physically possible states across all universes in which you exist!" [Although Dr. Deutsch may wish to correct me on that]). Actually, it would be cool to try and imagine ways in which Schro could exist under the real laws of physics....

Anyway, I also kind of want to try and cosplay Schro one day. I also want to dig up my Raikov cosplay... it's starting to feel like all the characters I cosplay best are going to belong to political ideologies I hate. =(

Hahaha maybe I should replace his swastika with a dollar sign

anime, rational, physics, my darlings, america, japan

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