RiGuy's 2006 Year End Review!

Dec 31, 2006 12:24

OK so I will do my best to remember stuff from earlier this year. But this is basically a quick overview of my past year and what has occured. Enjoy and I wish everyone a Happy New Year and may all your dreams come true in 2007, mine did this year!

The year started of with me still working as an Assistant Manager at Fresh City in Boston. I still greatly enjyoed my job depsite the harsh criticism from my manager. I loved working in the city and was proud of myself for completing the goal of someday working in Boston. The only downfall to the new job was the LONG driving to and from work and lack of time I got to spend with my friends. Everyone adjusted however and it just became the new way of life. I do think it affected some of my relationships with people, but I had to do what I had to do. February and March really were nothing too exciting to report, at least from what I can remember. In April my friend Travis invited me down to Florida to watch a taping of the Ellen show and go to Disney World. I really could not turn that down, I mean it was and still is my favorite place on earth.

The taping was awesome, Ellen was great, and we all got free annual passes to Universal Studios. Then we spent the weekend going to all 4 Disney parks and staying at various hotels. During that time something really was tugging on my inside. I knew that someday I wanted to work at Disney, that had always been my long term goal, but that was still way down the line. However this trip made me want to do it now. So I basically packed up my life in New England and moved down a month later. The only regret I have is leaving behind an amazing group of friends who I sorely miss. And I love New England and felt very at home there.

My life in Florida began by staying at a friend of a friend's house while getting my dream come true of working at Disney. I was hired on as a cook at the Yacht & Beach Club Resort, one of the nicest hotels that we have. While there have been many ups and downs, after all it is still a job, I still am very happy to finally be here. I get to play in the parks whenever I need some time to leave reality behind, I get to be a part of the company that affects so many people's lives and puts smiles on faces. It really pays off when you see the stories or even as you are walking around the parks and you see how happy people are. It really is amazing what we do here.

I had to move out of the house for various personal reasons and other things that I really don't need to go in on here, because there is no reason to bad mouth someone. I moved in with my friend Jon into an apartment even closer to the magic :-P Jon is a great kid and I think we will be good roomates, so far so good. I am slowly gaining a group of friends down here, which seems to be harder to do than in any other area I have lived. I may even be close to getting another game night crew together again. Most recently I met a boy named Bob. We hit it off really well. It was my first true date in almost a year. Now we just became official boyfriends and I look forward to what the year ahead has to bring us. He has made me very happy so far and treated me great!

Looking ahead to 2007, I have a few resolutions I want to try and work on. I want to continue working out at the gym here, for a nicer looking body but also just a healthier lifestyle...I want to enjoy life a little more and not stress over little things, which seems to be what I work on and get better every year...I want to solidify and get a nice core group of friends to hang out with and have as true friends down here...and finally continue to focus on my career here at Disney and hopefully reach managment this year.

So to all my friends from all over. Thank you so much for being there and being a great friend. Look forward to another year with you all!!
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