Feb 21, 2005 09:31
Okay, so the day I got star cashier, I had noticed a sign near the timeclock stating that there was a CSM (customer assistance manager) position open. Since I'm basically familiar with all the Csm's on all shifts, I asked starla which one was leaving. She never gave me an answer. She just sort of mumbled about how someone had issues and walked off.
So I let it go.
The very next night though, Dustin and Tompaul (overnight stockers) asked me if I was going to apply for it. I told them that the only time i'd apply was if it was for overnight. They then told me that although the position listed up was daytime, Starla was going to go for it, which would leave an overnight CSM position open.
Alas, Starla has not told me or anyone about it. Dustin said it was probably because she doesn't like me. So it seems that if she does move to another shift, she probably won't move until another person is ready to replace her. By that time, it'd be too late for me to apply. Basically I think she is going to screw me over..she knows I've wanted the position. I've wanted it even when I was working at the OS walmart.
Since I've gotten the star cashier, every comment she's stated has been about her for the most part. I happen to have gotten it during the same month she had gotten it a year before. So now I'm "following in her shoes". Just like I want her job? Ri-ight. She even brought up a comment I had made quite some time ago, saying that that I told her "if you know what I thought about you, you'd be scared". To me, that sounds like a threat and I know I have never threatened her, nor said that statement. Eventually it was determined that I had said "if you knew how I thought, you'd be scared,". To her it's basically the same thing but honestly..it isn't. One is about her, whereas the other isn't.
Anyways. I had also answered a question that beth asked nearly a week ago. I originally was just joking with her. She had tied about 5 buggies of returns together and was going out to put them up. I gasped and proclaimed it a moment. A Csm actually working!
Of course, she took me seriously and asked me for an example of when she didn't work. So, since the moment was serious, I answered it seriously and honestly. Naturally, she didn't like the answer.
She never said anything to me, instead starla did, for 2 days. Sly little comments about how she isn't working or how I like to befriend everyone. I finally asked her if she wanted to discuss the comment I made. She stated that she always said what she had to say to my face. I told her that obviously wasn't the case since she had brought the subject up for 2 days now. Beth remained pretty much silent during it.
Needless to say there is hostility much. I'd be glad that starla goes to days, although I know what will happen if I ever get CSM. The "following in my shoes" comments will continue and probably the "you wouldn't be CSM if I were still here". I hope she does leave...simply for her to talk. I have the nickname of "mouth" between starla and beth. It's amusing though, as their mouth is just as big as mine ;)