TVLine spoiler about Pre-finale/finale

Apr 26, 2016 01:31

[Spoiler (click to open)]Thought I'll bring this over here too.!14/greys-anatomy-may-sweeps/

It sounds like it may be possible we're heading for a Calzona reunion. I hope I'm wrong, but I've always worried that it could happen, and well, I've never put it past the writers to do it. If this does happen, then it's the most contrived story ever. If Arizona actually takes Callie back after all that she's put her through, and after there being no signs of either of them having any sort of feelings for each other, well, that's it then. She's not a character I can continue rooting for.

Especially when we got nothing about Arizona in the romance section. All we got were off-screen mentions of her one-night stands. There was no one special, we didn't get to see her in a real, serious relationship. And then she gets back with Callie. So... she's just waiting for her while Callie gets whatever it is out of her system? It looks like the writers put Arizona on hold. If that doesn't prove that Arizona's just a tool to further Callie's story, like she was for the past 5-6 years when they were together, I don't know what is. So nope, I refuse to see my favorite character being treated like a third class citizen whose purpose on the show is nothing but to advance another character's storyline.

I really hope I'm wrong.

ga: discussion, ga: spoilers

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