Sneak Peek for Ep 20 + BTS for Ep 23

Apr 19, 2016 22:25

So now it sounds like Callie thinks they're discussing if Sofia should move to NY. I'm with Arizona on this one. Not once did she actually ask Arizona if she's ok with moving Sofia across the country, which is what she should be doing. Instead, Callie's talking about apartments and which school in NY to choose. Sounds like Callie's already decided for the both of them. And Arizona's right. Why can't Sofia visit Callie? This clip further shows Arizona isn't trying to stop Callie from leaving with Penny. She's only trying to stop Callie from taking Sofia with her.

ETA: BTS pic for Ep 23, credit to @thejcappers

Apparently they're shooting Ep 23. So many questions, lol. Is that Kevin as the director or Kevin as Owen? Kevin directed Ep 22, but is he directing Ep 23 too? Strange seeing Owen visit Arizona, if that's the case. Is this Arizona's house? Is this after the court case ended? Is that dog part of the scene?

ga: discussion, ga: spoilers

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