Mar 10, 2008 22:24
today started as any other in winter training, and of course, i am stuck on the elliptical/treadmill. for once, i miss the erg. i just want to be able to do so - and to know that i am capable of rowing. i had my final appt. that my neurologist insisted on - i have done: Labs, MS electrode (EKG) test, MRI, and an opthamology appointments, and hopefully, I will know what I can do on Spring Break. I am worried that I'll end up ripping up my hands. My roommate for the coming trip will be Rowan, Mackenzie, and this gal Rachel (whom I thought was Liza, the adorable novie who's been ravaged by mono). It's weird how my requests go through for roommates go. I really wanted to room with Missy, but apparently, this was the only way for all of this to work. Even a couple got to share a bed, but Lauren and Margaret could not be accomodated. Oh well.
Then, to class, where I feel asleep-ish. A LONG time to check sign-ins for the CMP (those were way past due), when I was going to get Tapestry's free 20 minute HIV test at the CC with Tash and LC. Alas, to no avail, I forget. I ran off to the gym for a great squash class and then some much needed lunch'n, and eventually, my e-benz class tonight, which seemed to go smoothly, as we pretty much only discussed our peasants tonight.
i just wanted to point out that dinner was amazing tonight. not because of the food, but it was fabulous to sit down and really have a good meal with my senior buds. much love to 'em!
in other news, i went to my opthamology appt. today, and it took forever, and i was lucky enough to get my pupils dialated (my favorite!). The doc said that my eyes looked really healthy, but just a little dry. He sent me home with a free sample and the assurance that my eyes were in the clear. W00t?
Now, to get to the bottom of this Russian Paper. It's been too long.