For some reason, I randomly decided to post this little Harlan/Catalina ficlet. It was sitting all lonely in My Documents and it needed some friends.
Another semester, another first day, thought Harlan Band as he made his way down one of the austere halls of the Starcademy. Technically this was the first day of his second year here, but, since he had failed most of his classes last semester, he would be taking a lot of classes with the newly arrived freshmen. He wondered what they would be like. Hopefully not like the jerks that he had been in classes with over the last two semesters. For one reason or another, Harlan just could not get along with almost anybody at Starcademy.
Making his way down the hall towards his first class, he passed the atrium which was full of freshman picking up their new schedules. He didn’t really look twice, and apparently neither did they, because one came barreling right into him, knocking her books and his to the floor in the process.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said, as they both bent down quickly to retrieve their things. “I guess in all the excitement, I just wasn’t looking where I was going.”
Harlan looked at the girl a minute as he absently picked her schedule up off the floor. She was pretty, with a round face and a rainbow of bobbed hair. She smiled at him, and he couldn’t help but smile back. Instead of handing her back the schedule, he stood up and began to read it.
“Catalina?” he said, as he read her name off the top of the page. “I’m Harlan.”
“Hi, Harlan.” She looked like she wanted her schedule back, like she was afraid she would be late to her first class. He glanced down and saw that her first class was Hyperspace Physics in the classroom next to his.
“Oh, man, you have Davenport for like, three classes,” he said, scanning down the page.
“Is that bad? Who’s Davenport?”
“Miss TJ Davenport, Vice Principal,” he said in a fake British accent. “She is so boring, and she has no sense of humor. Plus, she grades really hard and she yells if you yawn.”
“Oh, man, I just know I’m gonna have a hard time this semester. I can just feel it.” She looked a bit downcast, and Harlan felt the need to cheer her up.
“Oh, but think how well you’ve started. You’ve only been here an hour and you’ve already met me. There is nothing more important you can do.”
She laughed, a sort of rolling little infectious giggle that made him feel warm inside.
“Well, there’s your room,” he said, pointing and handing Catalina back her schedule. “Maybe I’ll see you later.”
“Maybe. Thanks, Harlan.”
“No problem, Cat.” He smiled, and she smiled back before she disappeared into her class. Now, not even two hours of class with Miss Davenport could dampen his spirits today.