Live and Direct #2, "Auddities", is ready for you to get your hot little hands on. It weighs in at 62.5MB and clocks in at 1:08:15. "Auddities" = "audio" + "oddities". These run the gamut from odd sounds to unusual production techniques to strange content
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Live and Direct #2 ("Auddities") did not quite go off without a hitch. LD2 in fact, did not go off at all, unless you want to count the first 5 minutes or so of introduction. The short story? Possibly a bad mixer, possibly user error and misconfiguration. It seemed to be an intermittent problem, which is always annoying as hell to diagnose. I
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I just re-encoded my first show as a 22KHz MP3, making it 49.4MB (roughly half the size it was at first); I apologize if that's still too big for some people to download. Thanks for listening!
update: Nevermind. David Wertheimer has copyrighted the Feels Like Forecast. Though it's not being updated any more, he won't allow a new, innovative delivery of it in podcast form; additionally, he thinks it's a good idea, but won't get off his lazy duffer and do it.
i am impressed. IT Conversations has archives of some of the most happening, relevant, interesting, and expensive conferences out there as podcasts, for free. yup, for free. i'm downloading them in itunes right now.
like what, you ask:
Pop!Tech (formerly the Camden Technology Conference-which i attended on scholarship when i was in high school
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