critical thinking

May 21, 2006 16:45

recently, i was spammed with an email advertising the loose change 911 documentary, with the subject "bush took down the towers".

i was skeptical, as you should be, and the words "conspiracy theory" floated immediately into mind. then i watched the documentary. if you have about an hour, you should too. it will also take you at least an hour to read up on some of the sources-listed below-for the documentary (which completely wipes the floor with moore's fahrenheit 911, the two films are not even in the same league). originally, way back when, i too thought that we were in good hands. boy, was i naïve.

please, give it some consideration: we are living in an era in which total surveillance, rule by fiat, and sanctioned good-old-boy military-industrial despotism is justified by our government in the name of protecting americans from the threat of terror. it would make sense that this same administration, seeking to manufacture "a new pearl harbor" category of threat, would rationalize the events of september 11, 2001 as necessary to psychologically intimidate and manipute americans into supporting that administration's overarching strategic military and spending goals for the new era of their tyrannical rule. this paragraph, while sounding alarmist and extreme, is indeed supported by sources in the documentary linked above.

yes, this post is biased, but then so is today's newsmedia coverage of anything related to this administration. choose to believe the officially-sanctioned spin you get from the news, or the views of independant media-in many cases more critical and independantly verifiable than sound clips and stories brought to you by the company Haliburton and the organization known as FEMA.

to quote the film: "are you angry yet? you should be." please watch, read, and spread the word.

impeach, critical thinking, anger, video, movie, link, 911

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