Important Message

May 04, 2005 15:10

An Important Message appeared on my television screen:

Subject: Schedule Updates for Joey & Will and Grace
From: The TiVo Team
Date: Tue 5/3

Due to the last minute Presidential press conference on Thursday, April 28th, new episodes of "Joey" and "Will & Grace" were pre-empted and not broadcast as scheduled. NBC will re-air these episodes this Thursday, May 5th. To ensure you don't miss an episode, you may need to re-schedule the recordings for your TiVo DVR.

If you watch either of the affected shows, please do the following:
  • Go to "Pick Programs to Record," then "Search By Title."
  • Enter the title of the show you want to record.
  • Press SELECT to view show details.
  • SELECT "Record this episode also."

Kind Regards,

Your friends at TiVo

It took me a few seconds to figure out what's going on here. TiVo can be set not to re-record episodes of a show that it's already recorded. In this case, if your TiVo thinks that it already recorded "Joey" last Thursday, it won't automatically record the same episode again, unless you tell it to explicitly. I'm pretty amazed that this was on someone's radar, and that it's important enough to send a message to the screen of every subscriber.

I can think of several easy technical fixes.

I'll admit I have no interest in either "Joey" or "Will & Grace," but either is surely better than listening to the president try to convince us that his gambit to end Social Security is an attempt to save Social Security.
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