my first icon tutorial

Apr 20, 2005 14:44

I wrote my first icon tutorial.
Requested by jr_moon (I hope this is what you had in mind, hon.)

All my icons and arts are kind of experiments and some are just accidents.
Most of them were created by playing around. That's why I can never do the same icon twice.
So it was a little challenge to do this tutorial. *g*
While writing it I've made a new icon trying to recreate the look that was asked for.
I don't use Photoshop or PSP. I work with Corel Photo-Paint. But I hope that's no problem. The basic tools are nearly the same and that's all you need for this icon. Also english is not my first language. I hope you can understand it.

We'll make this icon

from these two pictures: (

First picture:
Resize to 100x100 and desaturate it Image -> Adjust --> Desaturate

That's our base. (Layer 1 = set to normal)
Duplicate it again and again until you have 6 layers with the following blend mods:

Layer 2 = screen

Layer 3 = Color Dodge

Layer 4 = Color Dodge

Layer 5 = Screen

Layer 6 = Color Burn

Merge the layers so that there's just 1 layer and a white background layer left.

Took a round sharp edged eraser and erase the black background.
Don't erase everything black. Try to create an outline.

Second picture:
First you need a white background layer.
You just have to do almost the same with it than with the other pic.
Resize to 100x100 and desaturate it Image -> Adjust --> Desaturate
Duplicate it again and again...

Background (white)
Layer 1 = Hard Light
Layer 2 = Screen
Layer 3 = Color Dodge
Layer 4 = Color Dodge
Layer 5 = Screen
Layer 6 = Color Burn

That's what you'll get.

Merge layers.

Okay, you're nearly done. Put your two pictures together.
Put the second picture on a layer on top of the first picture.
Both set to normal. Lower the opacity of the layer on top to 50% and erase whatever you don't want to see.

Add a one pixel border.

Add some text and you're done!

sga icons, tutorial, requests

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