Whoa. Bizarre dream.

Oct 02, 2007 08:02

In it, my family (including myself and my grandfather) was murdered by some serial killer (he was after my sister, but he got all of us too). Then we entered some weird Beetlejuice-esque Afterlife, which was practically the same as not-Afterlife except we couldn't contact the living.* I mean, my dad continued to watch television, I could get on the internet (though a special dead-people only version), and we could call people - who were also dead. My dad even ate a sandwich at some point, at which I turned around from the computer and said "Hey. You're dead. You don't need to eat that." He nodded, but said "Old habits die hard."

At some point, I discover that my head had actually been chopped off (which was the method of my death), but I had difficulty in getting the damn thing to actually float on its own. So I trained myself in detaching my head from my body, and became quite adept at that. I remember thinking in the dream (because it was very realistic, despite subject matter) that the afterlife really wasn't that bad now that I knew it existed, and that there was no real reason for panicking about dying.

I realized that although I could go outside (and yeah, I did think of Beetlejuice in the dream and think "Oh, shit, what if there's sand worms?" - but none of that nonsense), I could only go so far out of my neighbourhood before I ... faded back to my house. I looked this up in the Handbook for the Recently Deceased (although it totally wasn't called that - it was hidden under a pile of books about Heaven and Hell), and found an advertisement for Communication Tokens, available at the Dead Store. Apparently, if I bought Communication Tokens, I could speak to the living, or if I had enough, haunt them, and thusly gain a permanent way out of the house. But my dad wouldn't lend me any money.

Anyway, there was an actual plot to this, and it was intense. The serial killer was still on the loose and killing girls in our neighbourhood. I set up a command center in my garage, and I received calls from the dead girls trying to identify the bastard. This actually took up a lot of the dream, but I can't remember all the details. There was this dead girl who came over our house but she didn't want to catch the serial killer, but we convinced her. Eventually, we did identify him (and he looked like goddamn Jason Schwartzman), so we pooled our dead currency so I could buy a ton of Communication Tokens and contact someone about it (I decided on Stephanie, because I thought she was trustworthy enough, and I wanted to tell her about the Afterlife so I could go "Ha - have a soul!").

Thus began my sojourn to the Dead Store (because you could go to the Dead Store instead of phasing back). I took St. Julian (though not the shuddering Korean, but perhaps his true form?) to somewhere in San Jose (it looked like Bascom Avenue), and then perused all the amazing stuff at the Dead Store (it was pretty damn cool). I picked up a ton of free pamphlets and haunting kits, and I bought 8 regular Communication Tokens (for stuff like Ouija boards and the occasional glimpse) and 4 Haunt Tokens (there were Possession Tokens, too, but fucking expensive). The thing was set up like a maze or a giant mall and I got lost in the comic section, where I found fucking Michael and Joey of all people, who weren't dead, but simply perusing the comics. I floated past them, and went back home.

I called Stephanie using a Communication Token. After the initial "Holy shit, you're dead!" and "Dude, the Afterlife is kinda boring" I told her who the serial killer was. She said he was some teacher at MJC and he was giving a seminar on serial killers (the smug bastard) that Dick and Travis were currently attending. I decided I was going to kill him myself. So we drove (I decided use a Haunt Token on Captain Pluto) to MJC and I slipped into the seminar unnoticed (mostly because I'm a ghost), but I learned that the serial killer/speaker guy could see ghosts, which was going to make things a bit difficult. He also had a billion pairs of scissors behind him, and he locked the doors and began killing people with these scissors.

Insert awesome ghost fight between me and the other dead girl who was his ex-girlfriend, apparently, and awesome scissor-fight between the Serial Killer and Dick and Travis. Dick ended up dead, but Travis killed the Serial Killer, and we all went for donuts. There were quite a few high fives. There was other stuff involving Bob after this, but it was largely unrelated and I woke up before I could remember anything concrete.

Goddamn I love my dreams.


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