May 09, 2005 00:50
Just woke up from a dream that I was working the Anniversary Sale. Constant Motion. My plan was to sleep through the whole night, but there is a sense of unsettledness that has entered in me. A dicotomy from another place that I was just this weekend.
On saturday, I headed up to Scenic Hotsprings with Joanna from work. It was one of those great release points. Going up the trail brought back so many deep memories, it was hard to hold back the flood. I keep talking about it and telling the stories to Joanna. But sometimes really you should just remain silent instead. Wait for the place to pull the memories out and disperese them with the suns rays or the gentle wind.
While sitting in the pools I felt a comfort that has been a while since I felt before. I had a great conversation with hotspringqueen and felt again a connection with someone who gets it. There was a feeling that I was in sacred space. There are a few around this area. They take you away for a moment and set you at peace. The key is to sit in silence and listen, rather then talk (something I did to much of). Then the power of the space takes hold.
Soon Scenic will be turned into something else. The sacredness will still be there, but it will have a commercial appeal to it. In someways, it might be ruined. In otherways it might still be there... For this last weekend, I meet an angel that was at this sacred space. Knowledgable about it, almost protecting it's essence. Do I want to see her again so to get back to that feeling? Can you really catch a angel with a butterfly net. Or as they say, "... is this as good as it gets?" I don't know. Yet should one try?
-- Ridgewalker