Oct 14, 2004 18:17
examen (redaction) en francais demain. je t'aime mes amies beaucoup. je suis bien aujourd'hui, le douleur en ma dent est allé. c'est un soulagement. je parlé avec mon professeur et il changé le note pour la classe. d'abord, j'ai allé pour une visite avec mon doctor. enfin, j'ai allé a l'école pour deux examens et étudier comme une dingue. tres fatiguée, je regarde le lit avec désir.
interpol at the paramount november 9th.
the microphones & mirah & tara jane o'reilly at the redmond firehouse november 6th.
the magnetic fields or david sedaris november 12th.
pinback at the showbox november 23rd.
i'd like to make all of these. chances are won't happen.
danny's doing better. he was very sick, he developed a fever of 106, which is close to the body's breaking point of 106.4. for a while it wasn't certain but he's looking to be in better health within a week.
except he probably won't be visiting next weekend.
i'm hoping i can go to port townsend with miss black.
i could use an excursion.
the thunder clouds broke up and rain dried up the lightning let up the clacking shutters just shut up there's no black or white no change in the light no night no golden sun the sound of cars the smell of bars the awful feeling of electric heat and the florescent lights their sacrifice there's hard feelings there's pointless waste
i want wind
to blow
my clothes
off and sweep
me off my
feet, take me up
and bring me back
--i want wind to blow