Tired - Smelly - Dirty

May 06, 2009 10:23


~Just got back from a riding session and smell of horse-sweat and dirt. I've slowly been working my muscles back into their former glory and though there is a lot more work to be done, I look forward to it. Jumping more has really sparked my interest, they have been putting together more complex courses and to quote McDonald's "I'm Lovin' It." The option to lease a horse has been put on the table but the cost is going to be more than I can afford. It's not like I couldn't swing it, but it would hurt my budget for weekend gatherings, dinners, home improvement projects, and trips we've got planned for the summer. A lease on a lesson horse is odd to me now too. I own a horse in New Jersey, why would I want to lease one up here? The benefits of it just don't seem to warrant the price, in a lease I have no control over what gets done with the horse on the day's I'm not there (with only 2 free rides and a discounted lesson a month it hardly seems worth it). Maybe if I play around with the budget and savings I can swing it, I doubt it's worth the efforts at this point in time.

~On the financial standpoint; I was called up the office on Monday. I was trying to think of what I could have done wrong or what they wanted me to do now. I'm not crazy about my job anyway, but it is work and it does pay the bills. To my surprise, the owner and store manager sat me down for a personal meeting on my employment. They handed me a paper with some figures on it; they said it was because of my hard work and dedication to doing my very best that I deserved this reward of an RSP. The owner showed me the bracket and pointed out that what they decided on was the highest point they could go- at the end of the year the corporation will match what they gave me too. My time and efforts put in have shown through and I can't even begin to tell of the compliments the both of them gave me. We sat for a bit and talked about future growth, current events, my goals, and other topics. It was a little nerve racking at first, but it really raised my attentions to things that go on and how decisions are made that we don't always get privy to. There were talks of future management, but I want to hold off on that for a little until I am a bit more comfortable with myself and social situations. In all though, I am pleased. I still don't see Canadian Tire as a career, but for now, it will hold my attention until that one job that suits me best comes into view.

~On the art side of things, my sketch book is almost full... of unfinished works that is. There are a ton of random pieces and studies I don't even know if I should drop them or try and finish them up? I found the flaw with the mechanical pencils too, when the lead runs out you have to get more. Well duh! but that doesn't help me when I don't live near or have time to get to an art supply store. Ah well, the most recent ones are all in blue lead, nothing wrong with that. I've gone back a few steps and have focused on parts instead of the whole- lots of torsos, some female pieces, faces and heads, and limbs; it's helped with form, now I just want to be able to put them together.

~Other than that, just been busy with housework, my job, keeping the Bobcat happy, and trying to better my health (it's been over 2 years since I've seen any sort of Dr., Dentist or Optometrist). Smiling and content with how things are going, I'll be looking forward to this summer and some events I hope to be dragged to.

work, life, horses

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