I Smell Horse

Apr 01, 2009 17:04

From age eight to twenty-three my world was dictated by a horse. Sure, there were days when you stepped away and did something else but it would always return to the care and needs of my horse. Since the end of college up until now, that world had been pulled away, packed in trunks, and left to sit. I don't think I could possibly express how that feels in relation to anything else, probably close to the loss of a lover or family member, death or otherwise. The equine thing had become me and I it, just about every function was in relation to what had to be done out at the barn or away at a show. I have not had that in near three years now... to say the least, it hurts.
8:00 am - The Anticipation
Last week I sent an email to a local farm asking about their lesson structure and the ability for me to take up a riding lesson. At this point just touching a warm muzzle will ease some of the void that has been made in my heart. Today I have said lesson, in about two hours actually, and I am nervous as a kid on the first day of school. “Can I still do it? Will I look stupid? What if I make a huge mistake? Is this really worth taking lessons when I have owned and showed for years upon years?” I can't help be ask these questions to myself, but like I said, desperate times call for desperate measures. I'd be willing to muck a school barn out just to be near a horse again. So here I go, a farm I've never seen, a lesson with somebody I don't know on a horse I've never touched. I'm EXCITED!

(Except that it is currently snowing and wet-mix) cest-la-vie

12:00 pm - The Aftermath
Back home safely no thanks to the construction of bridges along the rivers *grrrrr. The drive to the barn was easier than I had first anticipated; though it's no New Hope nor Centenary, the facility was adequate from what I could tell. The stalls are of good size, the main arena is covered with an outdoor in the front and turnouts out the rear. My contact trainer was there when I walked in, very nice, answered and asked questions then proceeded to let me tack up.

What is there to say- I've been riding since eight years old and owned a horse up until I moved here (technically I still own him, but he's not in my care- the pain). Getting a lesson from a place like this when you are use to having the freedom of your own will with a mount is, well, low? I don't know, I am humbled though and here's why: The muscle groups used everyday are far from those used while in the saddle. I am so darn sore, ohhh wait until tomorrow *ouch. Sadly enough, I almost got my rump dumped, off a school horse! Oh my how embarrassing. Metro and old jumper was 'jumping' out of his skin trying to spook at some trailers and test my abilities- smarted my face too! My legs are noodles compared to what they were when I was competing, my position is off, and my hands drift down far too often. It feels like starting all over again, and I'm not totally into the idea of that. I'll try it a few more times and see where it goes, aside from the expense... well, it's expensive.

The wrap up: It was fun and quiet. Though embarrassed as I am, the feeling of being in the saddle again was simply divine. I wish I could bring my horse up here and have him as close in physical as he is in heart *sigh. I guess the rest of my day off will be spent reminiscing on things that once were, it's rather dead with everyone working the weekdays and off the weekends, my shifts are shitty and I feel a lone a lot of the time. Ah well, life goes on Ob-La-Di-Blah duh.

horse, riding

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