Lawn Jockey

Jul 23, 2007 08:03

Ok, so something has really gotten me this morning and I need to post anyway.

In 2005 my mom got a much desired Lawn Jockey for her birthday. She had been wanting one for gosh knows how long and upon request I took said statue and custom painted it to look like a United States Equestrian. It was very specific down to the patch I placed onto his coat. It was a lot of sealing, touch-ups and mixing of paints to make sure it would last and so he looked just right. I placed him out front once I bought a lantern for him to hold.

It took awhile but eventually someone bashed the crap out of him. First the lantern was hammered, so I had to replace it with a cheap candle one. Not long after he was tipped over and hence forth was broken. So, last night someone took the lawn jockey from the front of our home.

I know it is just a statue and that there are more important things to report to the police but seriously, who takes a 150lb concrete statue in the middle of the night!? It is replaceable, but the principle of the matter- it was custom done for my mom and sat on the main street side of our house! We live in a rather small town, it is not like they can display it, the thing will be spotted instantly since we are the only ones with one.

Gah, people are real ignorant- no wonder people feel the need for chains, bars, and locks on their homes. That's just sad.

lawn jockey, rant

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