(no subject)

Oct 15, 2006 19:06

I rode with some one today that is the most stupid person I have ever met.

Its intresting, that is how one can be in the position he is in.

before even riding he talks about how hes been accepted to a downhill team. he looks at me and says "you can make 50,000 dollars a year, you know that?" then he goes on to talk of about his skills. so I am bunnyhoping on to a side walk about a foot high, and attempting to mannual about 35 feet around two polls. I never did it. he was having trouble getting on to the side walk. then he looked at me and says "you should go out for a team you just might make it" and I look straight at him and say "I do ride for a team, wheels and waves, and I have never enterd any sort of competition" he followed that with "then I guess that means your not on a team, seeing as how you have never ridin for them". I said "your pretty much right, but I do ride for my self". he replys "thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard"

He just didnt get it, if you arnt doing it for your self, who the fuck are you doing it for. its never about the money, its about the love. I ride for the love of the ride.

we are riding around for a bit and I 180 bunny hop to tail tap to 180 while riding down the road. he says "next time could you tell me when your gona do that, I bet if you do it slow I can watch you and do it too" I do it again, slowly in textbook like format. he hardly attempts it looks at me and says "if I had diffrent pedels I could, or if my bike was lighter" I nod and ride on.

he dosnet have it in him, he is always about the competiton.
hes deffintaly doing it for him self, but not for any of the right reasons.
he is filling a hole in his soul with his ego.
hes not profecting him self as a person, just pilling mindless accomplishments in to his heart to fill a void.
hes not and artist
he dosnet understand that

the entire time riding hes bitching about how if anything was diffrent about the sittuation he could ride better.

i mean I cant do backflips, but I dont look at the person beside me and say you can do it because your bikes lighter.

and by the way I will do a flip when the time is right

just like the 360 its all about the love, when I understand the sittuaion that much better I will lay it down.

I am just sickened by the fact that he has to fill his life with plastic and trash to feel whole.
I need noting but myself and god does that feel good.
I dont need a lighter bike, I dont need a diffrent pair of pedels.
I dont drink, nor do I smoke and I dont need that because I have me.
I guess I am doing alright

so I raise my glass in toast to beinging the piece of shit with out a college degree and no future that I am.
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