Oct 14, 2006 00:18
do you want to die?
I am now realizing that this is pumpkin has just become a task as opposed to a challange, there are two major diffriences, on is mindless where as the other is consumed by thought. I can no longer find challanges in life there for I am now questioning.
it seems as though it is all black and white to me, I can do it or I cant there is no might be able to. there is no gray.
I can look at you and say I am gona stab you, I am going to vandalize you, I am going to verbaly degrade you. I will loan you a dollar, I will save you life. I will sell you soul. there is no i wonder if I can.
I can do all of the above I can give you life and I can take it away.
I can do the same for me I can cut my wrists, I can run till I throw up, then I can run some more, i can climb a chain like fence. I bury my self alive. its never if or could I any more, but when will I.
you could say hold I can hold my breath longer than you. I would say sure you can try lets have a go. I could do it fairly, I could hold mine till I passed out. you could do the same. but I could also punch you in the kidney and watch you gasp for air, then I win. maybe not the war, but that contest was mine.
so its not what I can and cant do its what I am willing to do to achive a goal. and well I will do anything so there is nolonger a goal thats a challange, just a life or death struggle. can I throw a 540 on my snowboard this winter, maybe not but I can break my collar bone trying and when I can try again I will. its not if I can its when will I.