2 Whole Years

Oct 13, 2013 10:28

It's been about twice as long as I normally wait to update, and as you can imagine, about twice as much has changed as before.

The Graphic and Web Design program ended last year.  It wasn't all I hoped it would be, but it has given me a new set of skills that I enjoy.  I feel pretty proficient in the software, but I still have so much to learn about art - composition, color theory, line....  I've talked to Brad about it, and I think a few more art classes could really help me refine my skills.  Not immediately, though.  Lots of other goals to pursue that are much more pressing.  But I'll get to that.

So long as I'm talking about those new skills, let me explain the job situation: I decided to do freelance work from home, so I design and sell stationary online (www.etsy.com/shop/PaperHummingbirds) and do a little bit of web design when I come across it.  It's afforded me quite a bit of flexibility, and allows me to make taking care of my home and my husband my first priority, while having a creative outlet and means of generating income on the side.  Down the road, it'll be helpful to be a stay-at-home mom and still be able to work... but I'm getting ahead of myself....

Some other updates: we paid off my car loan not long after my last post, and last year, we bought Brad a new car outright.  No debt whatsoever on that end!

We still aren't sure where we'll end up settling down; but for now, our opportunities for employment, our family, and our gym are here, so Cleveland will be our home for the foreseeable future.  Which is why, after scrimping and saving for so long, we are in the process of buying a house!  We won't be putting 20% down like we planned (more like 10%), for a number of reasons - we saved plenty, but the house we fell in love with needs some renovations before the bank will approve the loan.  After talking about it, we decided this house is a really good investment (we're getting it for almost half what it should be worth) and it's worth adding several thousand to our loan and increasing our monthly payment to secure it, and then using some of the down payment we didn't pay to put toward other improvements (or, you know, paint, furniture, etc.).  We'll still be living below our means (especially with Brad's most recent promotion and raise) and if the PMI annoys us (it's only half a percent) I'm sure we can refinance in a couple of years and get rid of it.  Not the original plan, but we're rolling with the punches and still feel like we're coming out financially on top.  Closing date is set for December 9th, right now.

And since our housing and finances are secure, we've been able to talk realistically about moving on the the next stage in life.  Assuming I post again next fall, I should have some exciting news about the house, and maybe a little more than that.

Goals for next time:

1.  Take some wild vacation to Europe.
2.  Buy a house with at least 20% down.
3.  Start a family.
4.  Explore options to further art education.
5.  Build up my online inventory.
Pay off car loan, and save enough to buy a new car for Brad.
Land a job in Graphic & Web Design.
Finish my 10-month program.
Marry the love of my life.
Secure an entire apartment's worth of (somewhat matched) furniture.
Visit someplace outside of the the U.S. other than Canada.
Pay off my student loan by May 9th, 2009 - and still have $1k left in savings and $400 in checking.
Purchase 2004 Toyota Corolla LE (or similar).
Learn to be financially trustworthy.
Pay off all my credit card debt.
Purchase a new computer.
Find a job that pays the bills.
Update my wardrobe.
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