Fiction: Harry Potter

Jul 18, 2006 03:05

Title: His Lucky Day
Summary: It would be after the celebration feast that Rabastan would get the only reward that he had ever received from his Lord after so many years of faithful service. For
the_serpent_den prompt, Lucky.
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Rabastan Lestrange
Rating: R to be safe.
Warnings: Character death, dark!
Words: 377
Notes: My first ever cannon ficlet, first LJ fic post as well. Please, don't be harsh. Unbetaed and doing in the wee hours of the morning.
Disclaimer: Not mine.


Today was Rabastan Lestrange’s lucky day.

The 26th November, 1999.

The day, Harry Potter, ‘Saviour’ of the Wizarding World, fell to his death at the hands of the Dark Lord. Gryffindor bravery till his last breath, never crying for mercy as his Lord, Crucioed the boy into a paralytic state. The last words Potter would ever hear would be quickly followed by a blinding green light as the Dark Lord’s triumphant cry would echo joyfully across the battlefield.

Enemy survivors dropped their heads in defeat, only to be soon marched off in magical binds like marionettes on parade.

Lifeless and dead inside.

All except her.

Wild brown hair, matted with dirt, torn robes and wand gripped tightly in her hand; Harry Potter’s mudblood looked like a vengeful goddess, full of life as she pointed her wand straight at him as he stood over the dead body of a Weasley. He could taste her anger as their eyes met; blue against brown; hand steady but voice shaky, she was to utter the words that destroyed the bespectacled hero only minutes before.


“Expelliarmus.” The spell came from his lips, so strong that it knocked her against the stone wall she was standing in front of, wand breaking on a nearby rock as it was flung out of her hand as she collided with the wall. Rabastan was sure he heard her moan painfully before she fell to the ground unconscious.

Too bad for her, it was Rabastan Lestrange’s lucky day as he collected his prize, levitating her towards the other prisoners. A girl with dirty blonde hair and wide eyes laid Granger’s head in her lap and soothed the comatose with a tuneless humming.

It would be after the celebration feast that Rabastan would get the only reward he had ever received from his Lord after so many years of faithful service.

He couldn’t hide the smirk of his lips, as he watched his prize glare back at him. Clean, healed and naked upon his bed. Her wrists shackled against the iron posts, struggling against the invisible rope. She made little noises as she continued to thrash about, her eyes still challenging him as he only moved closer; predatory.

Strong little vixen. He always loved the stubborn ones.

challenge, the_serpent_den, fic, hermione/rabastan, death eaters

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