I'm so bored... doing too many quizzes.
Which HP Mary Sue Are You? (WITH PICTURES)
Dumbledore's daughter and Snape's One Twoo Wuvv You are hauntingly beautiful in a familiar way, and have a gift for Healing. You're good enough at potions to have Snape intrigued. You have been brought up as an orphan, and have never known love. Your hair shimmers like autumn leaves, even though autumn leaves do not shimmer. Dumbledore himself does not know of your existence, and you will go to Hogwarts seeking your father, but will find love with a greasy git instead. You will be the cause of Snapes loyalty to the good cause. You will love everyone you see, including Voldemort, which will cause him to spontaneously combust, thus making you the true saviour of the Wizarding World. Then you will decide that you have had enough excitement in life, drop your original intentions and start making multiple Snapey babies.
Take this
But I hate Snape!