Sup LJ. For the last week I've had a bodacious upper respiratory infection that's spread to my right ear. I used to get sick once a year, but lately I've had one weird respiratory problem after another -- maybe I'm sleeping in an asbestos nest? Mostly it's annoying because it feels like my head is stuffed with cotton, and it makes me not want to do any work ... then I take some medicine which clears me up but ALSO makes me not want to work. Blegh!
But I did finish a long strip (about the equivalent of 4-5 pages) of this thing I'm working on. Here's a non sequitur with no context!
Hurr :B Man, even now I'm like THERE ARE SO MANY MISTAKES, a laundry list of problems and solutions that I've literally got jotted down on notecards for future reference, things to do and things NOT to do. But that's what trying new techniques and materials is about, I suppose. (This time I inked the lines and used Paint Tool Sai for shading -- still learning how Sai works. Markers + Watercolor Paper on page effects looks pretty darn cool.) Thank goodness I'm not going to start on the official pages 'til late this year, because I've got a hell of a learning curve to go through. But every time I feel discouraged I look at stuff from 6 months ago. We've come a long way, baby. Stuff from last year? It doesn't even bear looking at! Maybe if I draw constantly from now to November I'll be able to do something that almost matches the pictures in my head. This won't become Ridney Talks About Comics, though I can't help but mention it from time to time. (Speaking of which: I'm not a regular reader of Dresden Codak, but some of the posts in
Indistinguishable From Magic are pretty sweet.)
Maybe I'll do a few fannish things for a break; I got a really lovely review on some Gurren fic earlier this week, and it totally made my day. Comments make me all gooey and gross inside. It's so nice to know other people enjoy stuff I fling out into the ether -- really gratifying -- though even reading feedback more than a few times makes me shy, so I bask for a day before hording it away like Scrooge McDuck. {: ]