The Best:
Creepy Wikipedia Links. I rediscovered a few favorites, the Voynich Manuscript and BLOOP, plus a ton of new gems.
My butt has gone numb from writing cover letters and sending resumes. I’ve already got 16 applications out and more on the way, throw me a bone, dudes.
But I do appreciate this stint of unemployment since I can actually go outside and *enjoy* the fabulous spring weather. I can also choose to not go outside on days like yesterday, where I woke up four hours early because my uterus has made an angry fist that is constantly punching me in the guts for failing to reproduce yet again. Combine that with headache ~dual wielding, ~ and the thought of standing up all day under florescent lights in this condition makes me nauseated.
Wallowed around all day under a heat pad, EVERYTHING IS DUMB ಠ_ಠ
Except for this crow I’ve been watching. He’s been strolling around like he owns the place, so maybe nobody will if when he snatches up some dog food, the scoundrel. Btw: CROW BOXES. I haven't found a site with a satisfactory description of these yet, but in summary, a guy who was studying tool-making and information transfer in crows started wondering why no one had tried applying corvid ingenuity to practical human problems. He then considered that millions of dollars in change are scattered all across America, so the obvious step is to train a few crows to put change in a special "crow vending machine" in exchange for peanuts, and the beneficial behavior would quickly spread to other populations. Basically, crows can't wait to bring you money.
30 Rock:
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