Dorky X-Factor #230 ficcage...
Title: The Short Straw
Fandom: X-Factor
Pairing/Characters: Rictor/Shatterstar, Jamie Madrox, Banshee (formerly Siryn), Monet St. Croix, Longshot, Strong Guy, Rahne Sinclair, Layla Miller, Pip the Troll (all Marvel Comics)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Just swearing.
Words: 1,187
Comments: Rictor hates democracy. A little response to X-Factor #230; just one of the ways I think I'd have preferred the whole 'leadership question' in Jamie's absence to go.
p.s. YES THE HAT LIVES. I'm just gonna spam my own fic with that hat until somebody draws me Ric in a fedora (with optional admiring 'Star), okay? XD
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