Sep 30, 2005 09:58
ok so yesterday at work...i did something really stupid like i always do...i slammed my head into a ledge with such force that i sprained my neck...i tried to shake the blow off and go back to work(like i usally do) but my neck started to tense up to the point where it hurt if i tried to move yeah...went to el doctor where he made a list of all the things i shouldn't so...they're all things i have to do at both jobs so until i get his ok i can't work...FUCK!
but...there's always a but...he sad if i felt better today and had a better range in motion i could come in and he'd check me out...cause the next time i can go in is monday... which means i lose another 4 shifts or more..which i can't afford to miss...and in all honesty i am feeling a little i may just go in later today.
in other news:
my little 15 year old cousin is pregnant now.
i bought the best sessions of cowboy bebop as well as the first fatal fury movie.
and attempting to play halo2 on legendary mode while on muscle relaxers is hard.