Aug 11, 2008 14:49
This is appalling, so the head of the special Olympics is calling for a boycott of the movie Tropic Thunder because of its 'inappropriate' over use of the word retard.
Do people know what satire is? Do people understand what a comedy is? it's got Robert Downey Jr playing a black actor and it is blatantly spoofing Hollywood. I mean, I'm just sick of everyone bitching and picketing and boycotting shit... Who wants to be that up in other people's business? I don't. It's just a point of contention w/ me... all this polemics bullshit, no wonder we're so fucked up. As a culture we're all heavily invested in these bullshit issues so that some politician can pass a bill that allows for drilling in our national parks.
"Timothy P. Shriver, chairman of the Special Olympics, said of the expected push for a boycott. Speaking by phone, Mr. Shriver said he planned to be in Los Angeles with representatives of his group and others to picket the movie’s premiere on Monday evening in this city’s Westwood district.
A particular sore point has been the film’s repeated use of the term “retard” in referring to a character, Simple Jack, who is played by Mr. Stiller in a subplot about an actor who chases an Oscar by portraying a mindless dolt.
Mr. Shriver said that he had also begun to ask members of Congress for a resolution condemning what he called the movie’s “hate speech” and calling for stronger federal support of the intellectually disabled."
Hate speech? Really? do you know how many times I call my friends retards? It's out of love and afffection that I'll call each of you a retard but do we need congressional resolutions?
Fuck... Get onto foreign policy already, handle your shit... or just ask your congressman to call for a public ban of expletives and everytime you hear a new offensive word that can just ammend the item. That'll be perfect and stand ups and punk rockers will just be out of work.