One Sided

Jan 12, 2013 06:22

This whole thing has been about you from the beginning, hasn't it?
Only now when we're not communicating as much is it completely clear.
Everything is your way even down to how we kiss.

You send me things because you want to hear my compliments or some other validation and you want it ASAP.
When I do compliment you, you want me to elaborate.
I send you things and most of the time, now, (ever since you ignored me A***weekend) most of the time I get nothing. Not even a thank you.
If I ask what you think I get "stuff, things, you" and nothing more.

You never tell me I'm pretty or beautiful anymore. Not since before N***.

You want answers from me right now but you're too tired to answer me, though you then spend another 45 min posting at FB.

You and others are under the illusion that you have no ego. You most certainly do and I'm through stroking yours.
You're supposed to treat people the way you want to be treated.
I treat you the way I want to be treated.
Take your cue from that.
Though if you're not adept enough to do that in the bedroom why should I expect it to be different anywhere else.
I'm so fucking tired of being used.
I'm your friend but you are not mine.

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