So what you're telling me is...

Jan 10, 2013 22:32

According to you and in your words; I'm intelligent, sexy, beautiful, funny, special, delightfully playful, a great conversationalist, wonderfully clever, a lot of fun in bed, amazing and wise.
We're attracted to each other and there's this tangible sexual tension and romance that exists between us.

We also love to dance and enjoy music, even quite a bit of the same music
You trust me immensely.

I'm not a jealous person and I understand your lifestyle.

I accept you just as you are, everything about you. (Even though you dislike Deco and Modernist decor) ;p

We've texted almost every day since we started talking months ago.

You call me every time you have the chance.

When I can't pull it together you call and talk me down.

You said in the beginning, "We are going to be such good friends".

Through everything that has happened you're still there. You haven't run away. Most people would have...a long time ago.

Most people say goodbye when someone they don't care for emphatically states "I'm crazy in love with you".

Twice you've said "love you" but you don't, not in any conceivable way do i fit into your broad definition of what love is. Not even in a friendly way.

When you told me you're stubborn you followed with, "You should know that going in". Going into what? There's nothing to go into, ever. That is clear.

Even when you're sad or upset or aggravated or grumpy you call.

You have confided a couple of things to me that you've never told anyone else and a few things that you've only shared with one other person.

"Probably." Why use that word if it's not actually probable?

How are my moving plans relevant to you in any way? Why ask...more than once?

It's important to you that I'm not displeased with you. Like me, you double check to make sure we're okay.

We communicate openly, honestly and freely.

We share (have shared) a lot of personal things with no hesitation.

You love my laugh and you love making me laugh.

We have crazy, ridiculous things in common.

Most of our favorite movies are the same.

We say the same thing at the same time.

We have agreement about and the same outlook on many, many things and the things we don't agree on aren't obstacles, they haven't affected our dynamic.

For both of us: Animals sleep on or near the road, they're not dead. When we're both really tired we get seepies. I can't think of any other odd terminology or references we share but I'm sure I will after I post this.

You love seeing posts where my comments are obviously for or about you.

Recently, within a few minutes of posting a comment and before you read it, you told me exactly the same thing on the phone. On the same page, at the same time, yet again.

We're both kinky in a lot of the same ways and we're both okay with all of it.

When I said, "I love us" your reply was, "Me too. XD"

There are so many things about us that you do love yet you can't conceive of ever loving me? In any way? I don't mean being in love with me just feeling affection for me in even a small measure.

What is it that you need from me?
Why endure the difficult parts to simply have someone you like to talk to?
So I'll always be just a casual friend and what...a play thing...entertainment...validation?

You say you have a very broad definition of love.
None of what I am fits into that definition.

There is more but too much to list.

If all you say about me is true and still you say, definitively, that you can never love me even the tiniest bit, who ever could?
By that definition I'm just great and yet, unlovable.

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