Sep 14, 2005 21:15
JoKeRsWiLd3553: dude....something catestrophic to report
JoKeRsWiLd3553: two things acutally
JoKeRsWiLd3553: the 2nd is catestrophically funny
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: ok
JoKeRsWiLd3553: heres the first thing
JoKeRsWiLd3553: im so fucking tired today
JoKeRsWiLd3553: that i was sitting at a red light
JoKeRsWiLd3553: and radomly...right in the middle of the red light...i took off
JoKeRsWiLd3553: went right through it
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: WHAT?!?!?!?!
JoKeRsWiLd3553: yeah idk
JoKeRsWiLd3553: lol
JoKeRsWiLd3553: all i could do was laugh
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: thats the funniest/weirdest/dumbest thing i've eve5r heard
JoKeRsWiLd3553: lol
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i know
JoKeRsWiLd3553: this tops it tho
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: aside from my superfluous 5
JoKeRsWiLd3553: heres my funny forklift story from today
JoKeRsWiLd3553: a guy is moving a pallet
JoKeRsWiLd3553: he has it raised about 6 feet off the ground
JoKeRsWiLd3553: one of the forks breaks off!
JoKeRsWiLd3553: the pallet spins around
JoKeRsWiLd3553: and falls...
JoKeRsWiLd3553: landing perfectly upside down
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: how in the frigging hell does the fork break????
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i dont know
JoKeRsWiLd3553: thats what the funny part was
JoKeRsWiLd3553: u shoulda seen it
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: yea thats fuckin hysterical
JoKeRsWiLd3553: the sound was incredible
JoKeRsWiLd3553: first there was a loud CLANG!
JoKeRsWiLd3553: then a SNAP!
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: hahahahaha
JoKeRsWiLd3553: then total laughter
JoKeRsWiLd3553: with a few audible "oh shit!"'s in the backround
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: at least ur shit head trainer wasn't standing underneath it like he did to u
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: lol
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i wish he had been
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: lol
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i went off on him today
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i totally snapped
JoKeRsWiLd3553: and this included punching myself in the face
JoKeRsWiLd3553: right in front of him
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: holy shit
JoKeRsWiLd3553: yeah all my anger yesterday
JoKeRsWiLd3553: erupted on him
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JoKeRsWiLd3553: heres what i said: "look asshole, i learn best by watching....u havent shown me shit...all u wanna do is talk talk talk talk and gettting really fucking frustrated.....right now u have me lifting a 50 gallon barrel of nitrous spark and this whole place blows u really think thats fucking smart?!"
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: blue jays just tied the game
JoKeRsWiLd3553: either show me how to do this shit....ya know since thats ur job.....or im gonna go request a new trainer...b/c ive had it up to here (insert punch in face here) with ur bullshit remarks
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: what did he have to say?
JoKeRsWiLd3553: "dont get smart with me"
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i then erupted again
JoKeRsWiLd3553: "dont get smart with you? not getting getting furious....either show me...or shut up and let me fuck it up"
JoKeRsWiLd3553: he showed me...and didnt say another word the rest of the day
JoKeRsWiLd3553: and i did 10000000000000000000000000% better
JoKeRsWiLd3553: pulling 5 loads in 15 minutes at one point
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: nice
JoKeRsWiLd3553: my previous career high was 1 load in 20 min
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: lol
JoKeRsWiLd3553: pays to listen to me
JoKeRsWiLd3553: he showed me
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i got better
JoKeRsWiLd3553: a lot better
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: wells is the goat of life
JoKeRsWiLd3553: everyone knew that already
JoKeRsWiLd3553: ur just slow jumpin on the bandwagon of wells haters
JoKeRsWiLd3553: its okay tho
JoKeRsWiLd3553: at least ur on
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: yea...
JoKeRsWiLd3553: in 13 goin to bed
JoKeRsWiLd3553: gabrielle gave my shoulder a good massage
JoKeRsWiLd3553: and most of my back and neck
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i almost fell asleep on her bed lol
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: lol
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: clutch double play
JoKeRsWiLd3553: she goes: "you have a lot of knots in ur shoulders"
JoKeRsWiLd3553: my reply: "no shit"
JoKeRsWiLd3553: "and the hurt"
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: hahahaha
JoKeRsWiLd3553: they*
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i felt so much better after i went off on the trainer guy
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i felt free
JoKeRsWiLd3553: like i could do anything
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: lol
JoKeRsWiLd3553: ill probably get fired for it tomorrow
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: haha yea
JoKeRsWiLd3553: oh well
JoKeRsWiLd3553: it will all have been worth it
JoKeRsWiLd3553: OH YEAH
JoKeRsWiLd3553: he calls me today
JoKeRsWiLd3553: got ur car to the shop:
JoKeRsWiLd3553: they fixed it....
JoKeRsWiLd3553: me:
JoKeRsWiLd3553: how much was it?
JoKeRsWiLd3553: him: 750 bucks
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: OMFG
JoKeRsWiLd3553: me: WHAT!?!?!?!
JoKeRsWiLd3553: him:
JoKeRsWiLd3553: well they put in a new thermostat....and...i had them do a tune up
JoKeRsWiLd3553: me:
JoKeRsWiLd3553: him: 400 bucksd
JoKeRsWiLd3553: me: ARE U FUCKING KIDDING ME!!??!!
JoKeRsWiLd3553: jiffy lube does a tune up for 70 bucks
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: yea those these assholes did a whole bunch of unnecessary bullshit
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: wtf?
JoKeRsWiLd3553: him: well they cleaned the fuel injectors....thats why it was so much
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: those these?
JoKeRsWiLd3553: me:
JoKeRsWiLd3553: thats a 20 dollar job dad.....and i coulda done it myself
JoKeRsWiLd3553: him: ur not a mechanic
JoKeRsWiLd3553: me: i dont need to be.....i know enough about cars....and i have enough COMMON FUCKING SENSE to know u got screwed
JoKeRsWiLd3553: him: well actually me and jan (my step mom) discussed it....and we're gonna have u pay us back for it
JoKeRsWiLd3553: me: WHAT!?!?!
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: jesus christ
JoKeRsWiLd3553: him: well u have a good job now....u can handle it
JoKeRsWiLd3553: me: ur an asshole
JoKeRsWiLd3553: then i hung up
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: kapler's out for the year
JoKeRsWiLd3553: GOOD
JoKeRsWiLd3553: goat of the year
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: he ruptured his left achilles
JoKeRsWiLd3553: ive done that like 340973947 times
JoKeRsWiLd3553: hes a pussy
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: i guarantee u u've done it 2 times at the most
JoKeRsWiLd3553: lol
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: its one of the most painful injuries u can have
JoKeRsWiLd3553: ive never in my life done it
JoKeRsWiLd3553: lol
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: lol
JoKeRsWiLd3553: that tendon on the bottom of ur foot tho.......
JoKeRsWiLd3553: ive killed that thing like 378 times
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: lol u've had some fuckin weird injuries so i couldn't doubt that u've done it before
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i have had some fuckin catestrophically weird injuries
JoKeRsWiLd3553: lol
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: lol
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i just realized that
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: the whole leg tumor thing or whatever that was
JoKeRsWiLd3553: yeah
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i got a line drive off my shin playin short
JoKeRsWiLd3553: and it caused a tumor
JoKeRsWiLd3553: lol
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: lol
JoKeRsWiLd3553: only me and nomar could pull of somethin like that
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: the ball had radiation on it or something
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: lol
JoKeRsWiLd3553: then there was the 3 broken knuckles senior year
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: punch a wall?
JoKeRsWiLd3553: yep
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: lol
JoKeRsWiLd3553: brick too
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: holy crap
JoKeRsWiLd3553: that was before face punching era
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: catastrophic injury for me
JoKeRsWiLd3553: whatd u do
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: i had my fingers on the edge of the desk... and i turned the chair and the fuckin arm rest pinched them
JoKeRsWiLd3553: have u ever just thought of seeing someone get injured and laughed out loud?
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: hurt like a son of a bitch rat bastard
JoKeRsWiLd3553: lol
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i just pictured my trainer guy nutting himself on deck rails in a truck
JoKeRsWiLd3553: and i started laughing lol
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: aaaaaahahahahahahahahaha
JoKeRsWiLd3553: the sad thing is...
JoKeRsWiLd3553: if it happened in real life
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i would laugh even harder
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: that would cause blue balls for like 3 months
JoKeRsWiLd3553: even worse
JoKeRsWiLd3553: u could rupture something
JoKeRsWiLd3553: u could like shatter ur balls
JoKeRsWiLd3553: theyd be like fragments
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: ::cringes::
JoKeRsWiLd3553: ::crosses legs::
JoKeRsWiLd3553: ive seen it happen at the skatepark
JoKeRsWiLd3553: this guy only broke 1 nut tho
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: honestly.... i'd rather die than go through that
JoKeRsWiLd3553: me too
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: not even fucking kidding
JoKeRsWiLd3553: this guy was attempting to go off a launch ramp and land on a hand rail
JoKeRsWiLd3553: reciepe for disaster anyway
JoKeRsWiLd3553: well...he hit the ramp about 7 feet up in the air
JoKeRsWiLd3553: but lost his board
JoKeRsWiLd3553: and landed nuts first on the rail
JoKeRsWiLd3553: ive never heard a louder scream
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: my stomach just turned over
JoKeRsWiLd3553: or seen so much blood appear in a guys pants so quick
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: resulting in a gag
JoKeRsWiLd3553: yeah it was terrible
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: lol.... crying isn't standard operating procedure for any guy.... but thats a case where its inexcusable if he DIDN'T cry
JoKeRsWiLd3553: he didnt actually
JoKeRsWiLd3553: he went into shock
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: was he in shock?
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: yea
JoKeRsWiLd3553: does rich have a new s/n?
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: yea...
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: HustonAvenue
JoKeRsWiLd3553: ok
JoKeRsWiLd3553: i sent him a msg
JoKeRsWiLd3553: but im headin to bed....
JoKeRsWiLd3553: its catestrophically humid
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: alright dude
JoKeRsWiLd3553: and im sweating
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: lol same here
JoKeRsWiLd3553: work in 7 hours
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: u gettin affected by the hurricane?
JoKeRsWiLd3553: nope....other than humidity
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: oo
JoKeRsWiLd3553: its supposed to miss us
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: good
JoKeRsWiLd3553: not even a 20% chance of rain here
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: wow
JoKeRsWiLd3553: but tomorrow
JoKeRsWiLd3553: 91 forcast high
JoKeRsWiLd3553: with dewpoints in the 70's
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: gaak
JoKeRsWiLd3553: and im fuckin workin outside
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: yup
JoKeRsWiLd3553: pickin the cotton fields
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: hahahaha
JoKeRsWiLd3553: lol
UCanPutItOnDaBrd: ttyl dude
JoKeRsWiLd3553: later