basically an empty post

Apr 07, 2008 18:10

It's taken about two weeks for me to organise my life to a degree I consider worthy of writing on. when I say organise I mean settle most outstanding matters relating to my travel and Delhi exit. I never used to organise like this, I guess it's a habit built from too many travels in India, shit really is easy this way. I mean I don't pretend I've got it ironed and pleated but I've got a good handle on everything that's suffering from a doing need. Or maybe I don't, whichever it is, I for one welcome our new robot overlords jwz style.

Being the studious little juggernaut I am, I've even done a test pack of my gear. How truly organised. Basically I'm doing OK, I figure if pushed, and I am pushing, I could dump another couple of kilograms worth of gear. It all really depends on how light I'd like to travel.

Things that are outstanding currently are postage to Australia, I've got some gear, about two boxes worth, heavy boxes - 5-10KG, probably something like 15KG total to send home. Also have to tidy up my work remainders. That means extracting my HDD from the work PC and taking home everything that isn't nailed down. Work wise I'm fairly on track, I've finished and am now revising all the hand over documentation I needed to complete, which is great. I've got a couple of major tasks ahead of me, all things being equal they'll be finished.

This is less like a journal entry and more of a reminder list of things to do.

I should really look at sending off a few more emails to people and sorting out the socialisation I can squeeze into this week as well. I really have no time when I get back to Delhi.

As far as domestic travels go, they're all planned out and booked - as far as is possible. There is a leg of the journey that isn't booked but it's best left to chance till things crystallise further en route. As far as I can tell though shit is sorted in a way meaning I don't really have to think until I leave Kerala around the 24th of April.

Weekend was kinda good, kinda shite. I felt fair drained after tearing my room down, nice little site it's been all warm and windowless. Firefox is currently busy fucking out for no good reason I can tell, I'm quite over this beta shit, anything more than 3 is a wank train from the proverbial powers. Oh it's working again time to attach another image and see if it takes floating point calculations for all the stars in the milky way before allowing me to do anything else. Yep, well done. Where was I, kinda shit you know, ripping down your life. For some reason or other I fathom but will allude to merely to stretch things out, my mind seems to rather disdain the idea of moving on. Thing is I'm well hung in the ready to leave department, Delhi is high on my list of places to not be for at least another two years.

That said I plan full well to be present during the Commonwealth Games, as we win all the medals. Also been offered another job. But fuck that I'm down for snorting crack off some hookers back.

Had this realisation, apiphany, divine intervention call it what you will. I had one. It was a combination of being awake and meditating at about 5:45am I'm sure, still it was great. I'm sitting there cross legged, eyes wide shut, listening to the drone of the city as it flits about my ears as a constant reminder of what lies beyond the some 15 thousand people meditating around me. And I'm thinking or not thinking, clearing my mind, whatever third eye analogistic explanation you want to pin to it, when it comes to me how shitty and overwhelmed I've been about the idea of leaving so many friends, and I am leaving them and am well beyond considering no leaving. So I think on what Bernadette's face looks like, she lived with me, I with her, she only just left and I loved her, so I think, and her face pops up, bright as a flower lit by dew and new light, then it disappears cause I'm busy you know, not thinking or something. So I think on, and every person I thought of came back, face by face, and I had this massive smile on my face as I realise for the first time, really, that what's said about remaining in the heart whilst not in body is thoroughly true. I see all my friends and not-so-friends, it's easy as pie - and pie as we all know is easy.

So then a few days later I'm still relaying my vivid meditation induced haze to anybody with ears that'll listen, and I know some ears. Anyway I'm explaining for the thirty-first time that day and I realise that there's no point staying anywhere for friends. At least the ones that matter, as they carry on.

There's this guy there while we were extra's on this film, he's some high commission bozo from New Zealand, tall guy a lot like Jesus I imagine. Anyway I let slip I'm from NZ and we talk on for a few minutes before the guy realises - and I don't but now do, even if it wasn't reality - that we're never going to see each other again and that he doesn't mind me. So he breaks conversation in half and just lays a fat piece of advice on me, real story like, something to chew over like a good lump of cud. And I chew a bit at it every day as there's like a tread stuck between my teeth I can't quite dislodge about this guy. He's saying something like well kid, we're getting to the late age of our lives and we think about retirement - good for you old Joe - and we figure it's really best to move somewhere about ten years or so before you intend to retire so that by the time you're done working those ten last years, you're not isolated you know, got a group of homies to chill wit. And I think huh, what a smart piece of idea. And then I think.

There's about a billion other things to say but none of it really impacts anybody but me, and I think I'm enjoying it whilst not getting too caught up in it. No scratch that I recognise the caught up-ness and will keep an eye out.
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