zamac Will tap this post again to be sure.
The Art of Living course was cancelled, reason being, well their lazy fucking troglodytes. Were I to draw a comparison between them and the result of an Aphid dropping their guts, it might over-dramatise the situation some. I tell you though, here and now, my carefully laid man plans have gone awry, as they oft do for mice. I have a concurrent desire to visit Kashmir while an Art of Living course proceeds. Travel plans askew with desires fail.
In other news
That’s why I have pledged to maintain a storage-neutral lifestyle. From now on, whenever I buy a new hard drive, I’ll either delete the same amount of old information, or I’ll purchase a storage offset from someone else who has extra data to delete. By bidding up the cost of storage offsets, I’ll help create a market for storage conservation, without the inconvenience of changing my storage-intensive lifestyle.
- From Freedom to Tinker.
Ilex: interesting factoid: before ear tags were introduced, cows in japan weren't branded, they had their spot pattern drawn and filed