Feb 09, 2011 16:59

I'm SO DONE with winter. This crap is AWFUL. It's cold and snowy and dreary and icy outside. I'm sick of dry skin and not being able to open the windows in my car or having to wear shoes to put the dog outside. I HATE that Dan tracks snow in the house that get my socks all wet. (Heaven forbid he REMOVE his shoes at the back door!) I'm tired of not having room in our front yard for anything other than piles upon piles of snow. I miss FRESH vegetables and fruit. I miss birds and going to the lake. Jackson and I are going stir crazy from being cooped up inside.

And tomorrow...oh Lord. Tomorrow is going to be -15 when I leave for work in the morning. NEGATIVE 15. That's not even right. There's no way on earth anyone should have to leave a perfectly good WARM house to go out in weather that's negative 15.

I'm hibernating. Someone wake me up in April. Or May. Whenever the temp is consistanly above freezing. Or really, above ZERO would be an improvement.
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