"... by Milton Bradley"

Sep 22, 2013 12:10

As I search items from the past I'll come across an item that I once owned and completely forgot about. Today's entry features one of those items - a board game - but before I get to that one, let me highlight another favorite of mine that you just don't see anymore - TORPEDO RUN!

Torpedo Run! is a 1986 board game published by Milton Bradley in which the object is to destroy your opponents ships before they can destroy yours. As the game was part of Milton Bradley's Floor Wars Series, it was designed to be played on the floor or a very large table and thus was well known for its large board size and playing pieces.

The game board for Torpedo Run! is a 46.5" x 34.5" surface containing squares like a chess or checker-board with 10 rows and 8 columns. The game contained 2 battleships (1 gray, 1 tan), 6 cruisers (3 gray, 3 tan), and 2 submarine shooters (1 gray, 1 tan). The submarine could hold tiny red plastic discs that were shot at the larger ships.

Check out this commercial detailing how the game was played:

image Click to view

LINK: http://youtu.be/gLn6qG0xFOo

The game was considered over when all an opponents ships had been destroyed. Each ship consisted of two or three sections depending on the size of the piece. Each section had to be hit precisely with a red shooting disc that would pop the top off that section. Once all sections were popped that ship was considered destroyed.

And what fun this game was! I'd set it up on my bedroom floor and send my submarine against the enemy over and over again. I became so good at solo play that when my friends came over to play with me I'd sink most of their ships before they even damaged one of mine.

I'm not certain if my parents still have this game or not... it'd be a shame if we didn't though!

Okay, so what was that board game I just now remember having as a kid? Why 1982's Pac-Man by Milton Bradley of course!

The box explains it all:

    Bring the video game to your table!

    Roll the dice to see how many dots Pac-Man moves, but be wary of the ghosts!

    Just like in the game, turn the tables on the ghosts by eating an energizer pellet, and send the ghosts back to their home.

    Game consists of: Game board with holes to hold "power pellets" and "energizer pellets", Four Pac Man player pieces, Two Ghost pieces, Marbles to represent "power pellets" and "energizer pellets", and Two Dice

I was a huge Pac-Man fan back in the day: playing the (much maligned) Atari 2600 version of the game (and loving it), watching the cartoon as it aired (although it didn't last long), enjoyed one storybook and record set, and even had a lunch box. BUT one other thing I also had was this game - and I didn't remember it until I saw a picture of the gaming board itself!

I wish I could play this again!

retro, pix, youtube

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