Nov 06, 2006 14:54
So, here I sit, once again, at my trusty wooden desk with its piles of random books, boxes, and empty CD cases, looking for something to do. Actually, that's not entirely true. I'm actaully doing two things at once - or, more precisely, I'm watching two different green bars move to the right until they hit the end. It's quite dull, and so I'm writing in here in the meantime. That, and my post down below is getting horribly comment-heavy.
What did I do last week...
I didn't get to play much VP:S, I was too busy with other stuff. I didn't want to just sit down with it for a half hour and then have to stop playing, so I just avoided it until the weekend. Instead I did other things like play ZX or work on this story of mine. As mentioned in the comment of the post directly below here (/point) I picked up the MMZ story I mentioned I had and started working on it. I spent most of my free time at work last week writing and editing it. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying it - both writing and editing. I ended up almost completely changing everything that I'd already written - it was written to be a very shory stand-alone scene that I wrote just because I thought it was cool and wanted to make it dramatic - didn't really fit well after it was put into the context of an eight-thousand word short story.
I'm about a thousand words from finishing it up, there's just this one last scene to write, but I'm having trouble finding a good way to go about it. It's a bit of a touchy scene with a lot of emotional tension being let out, and I really don't want to mess it up. After that I'll put it up on and move on - I don't know what to do next though. I'm thinking of doing the Saga one, but I've been having trobule coming up with ideas for how to start it - it's also been a very long time since I lpayed through Emelia and Red's storylines so I forget where exactly it would be feasible to make them crossover. Possibly a first meeting in Despair, followed by a quick brush in Baccarat, only to meet up in Shingrow? I don't even remember if that would be the right order. And I'm too busy playing VP:S to run through two Saga scenarios, as much fun as they are.
Speaking of VP, I DID sit down and play it for SEVERAL hours on the weekend. I am thoroughly enjoying myself. Learned more game mechanics, met more characters (I have Arngrim on my team now :D) and learned more story events (half-elves, oooOOOooo). I actaully spent more time just grinding levels than playing storyline - I really do enjoy simply just playing the game.
Other games on my to-play pile: FFX (it's been there for like three years now...), FF12 (Ed showed me the intro cutscene and played some battles - different and intriguing), Tales of Legendia (been sitting on my shelf all summer), Tales of the Abyss (I didn't even realize it was being released in NA! It's like...the all-star game of the Tales series), Star Ocean: TtEoT (yeah I played through it already, but I fumbled it up so bad and I never beat the last boss, and it was such a well-polished game, I want to do it again), and now I have two Saga scenarios to play through for reference purposes. And I have to go back to school in two months - how am I going to find time to fit them all in? :( And of course, there's always WoW - two months until Burning Crusade release, which I KNOW is going to eat my time.
Still ont he topic of video games, Ed hasn't been seen since FF12 came out last Monday. I managed to get him out of the house Friday night to come play WOw card game with me, we went and I bought a whole ton of cards and now we both have functional decks. He won two, then I utterly destroyed him in one. It's funny how given the opportunity, a warlock deck can, quite literally, control the entire fight. After the three games there were definitely some tweakings to be made, but then we never went back to it. Ed showed me FF12 (as mentioned) and I showed him some VP - which then turned into me playing it for two hours. He didn't end up leaving until almost 1 AM - and I had to get up in the morning, blah. Oh well, good times are worth giving up a little sleep.
Saturday and Sunday was also mini-NBYO weekend. It was a makeup for the lost Sackville rehearsals. Saturday was over by 4:30 and Sunday was over at lunchtime, so not a whole lot of time lost - and a lot of the peices, while maybe not horribly interesting to play, are at least nice to listen to. Next weekend is the long weekend (government gives a holiday for Remembrance Day - woot!) and then it's out to St. John for the weekend there. Thankfully, after that, the next weekend isn't until January. I really do hate billeting though. Dad said he would take me down Saturday morning instead of Friday evening (I miss one rehearsal, boo hoo) so I only have to stay in random person's house for one night instead of two, so that's a plus.
Well, I'm going to go back to "working" and writing/editing my story.