Recipe courtesy of the PPK, these are the best cookies I've ever eaten:
There's now a box of them on their way to Rhian, and another minus the filling on their way to Mikee's office (he doesn't like peanut butter, the weirdo!)
I've still got a million photos to upload from my trip to London, but I just haven't got round to it. I've been dissertation-ing and organising the cake stall; it's really starting to take shape! I think I have almost all the volunteers I need now, which is a major relief. I still haven't had written confirmation from RAG, and I still need to get hold of a table... So I think I'll pop in to their office tomorrow morning and bug them again. I'm currently trying to decide on which flavour combinations to bake; it's exciting!
And now, back to the essay. Boooooo, real world!