(no subject)

Oct 13, 2011 20:20

With ina's help yesterday I am now in the possession of a plane ticket! I will leave here on October 31st and come back on January 1st (I will welcome the new year on board a plane). This would never, ever have been possible without the help of you guys. I still feel like this can't possibly be reality, surely this many good things can't be happening to ME of all people! How do I deserve to have friends like you? I don't know, but I do know that I will never forget this in all my life. I cried tears of joy and disbelief and feel like I'm bursting from the amount of gratitude in my heart. And N. is as happy as I am and wants me to say thank you for him too!

Thank you - thank you everyone who contributed, not only money, but also support and uplifting words and a hand in friendship. Thank you!

I will write about the time in Roanoke and Florida (where I'll meet the parents!) and share pictures of the places I go and the people I meet (if they'll let me, of course)! And if you would like a postcard or a letter, just let me know your address (my email address is ricci dot b at gmail dot com)!

I still haven't spoken to my advisor from the employment agency again, but I plan to do so next week. I talked to the secretary at the DAA (the institute where I took my classes), and apparently there have been a lot of misunderstandings. So I'm hoping that I can restore at least a sense of mutual politeness to the relationship with my advisor. But I'm not counting on it.

Following seidenstrasse's advice, I posted an ad at a website for students that I'm subletting my apartment for two months, and on Monday a girl will come over to look at my place. It's great timing since the new semester has just started and lots of students are looking for a place to live. Since I've never done this before - any advice on how I should prepare the apartment?
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