Hope dies last

Oct 12, 2011 06:51

I've crawled out of the black hole I disappeared in on Monday again and have now rediscovered my fighting spirit. I am NOT going to give up. Not after I already got so much support from my friends! I am going to see my boyfriend on October 30th! In order for that to happen, I need to get together enough money to also cover the second month of my planned stay (rent 400 + health insurance 150 + phone/internet 50 = 600 euros). I already managed to sell 65 textbooks for 133 euros (though I cried when I thought of what they cost me when I bought them - but, moving on), and I'll be putting my keyboard on ebay next. Apparently it's worth around 350 euros, but of course someone needs to buy it. ^^; That leaves me with around 120 euros I need to get together. I'll put up the rest of my books on ebay tomorrow. Every euro brings me closer to my goal. And my material possessions mean less to me than seeing N. soon (with the possible exception of my acoustic guitar... I just cannot part with that).

*takes a deep breath*

And here is me throwing overboard any shame I feel - if you can spare one dollar or one euro to help me go see the love of my life, I would be forever indebted to you. I'm also willing to do something for it! Need a translation of something Japanese/German/English, maybe? Or have a webpage designed? I will gladly do it for you, for one dollar/euro! No hugs though, because hugs will always be given for free. :) I also have an electric guitar I can sell, if anyone is interested. It is very old (I got it when I was fifteen), it needs new strings, and I don't have a clue what it's worth. And I have a breadbaking machine I'd gladly sell, it's good for one person and I'd sell it for 15 euros.

If you are annoyed with me for begging so blatantly, just disregard this post, I certainly will not think any less of you, nor am I expecting everybody to join in! If you do consider helping me - be assured that I will remember this forever, and if somehow or in some way I can give it back, I will. So here it is:
(1,9% of the amount and 0,35 euro per donation will go to Paypal)
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