Shiny things anyone?

Oct 12, 2011 22:32

So, having committed to selling at a local craft event in November, I've decided I also need to ramp up and diversify my inventory of stuff to sell. Which means 1) I need MORE stuff, and 2) I need stuff that sells at both a lower and higher price point because at current, all my inventory has to sell for about $25-$40 if I want to get any money at all for my time put in.

Which also means, I need to remember how to make SIMPLER designs that are cool enough that people want to buy them. (I tend to get rather carried away with things that LOOK simple, but actually take quite a bit of time to make-so I need to figure out how to do the reverse too.) So, for the past couple of days, I've sat down with the latest episodes of NCIS and Hawaii Five-O and put myself to the task of creating earrings. Here's the first dozen or so, you tell me if I've been successful. :-D

EDIT: Post now includes scale relevant picture, to give some sense of how long shiny things are.

All earrings were placed on the same plastic grid- here's a measurement of the grid itself that will hopefully give some sense of how big the earrings are.

PS- First half of next chapter of Double Bluff is written, hope for a slow day at work tomorrow and maybe the rest will get done. Also, would anybody be interested in more random one-shot stories like the one I posted the other day? Or do you all vote focus on Double Bluff for the time being? Inquiring (nosey, bored-at-work) writers want to know reader opinion :-D

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double bluff update, my jewelry

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