☘ 002; [phone/action]

Mar 29, 2011 23:40

[Hey there, Mayfield. There's a good chance a lot of you are pretty pissed off about losing all your shiny new stuff. Lancer is, of course, no exception.]

What the hell just happened?!

[And when Lancer's angry, everyone's going to hear about it.]

Everything just disappeared--my lance, armor, my damned contract, and I'm human again! How ( Read more... )

glad he's not a berserker class, fml, what is even going on, when in doubt sulk in a bar

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[Action] lunawolves10th March 30 2011, 04:23:53 UTC
[Garviel steps into the bar, hunching a bit. He's holding something in brown sacking, something fairly long and heavy, by the looks of it.]



[Action] riastrad_ridire March 30 2011, 04:26:05 UTC

[Don't mind him being a little distracted, he's busy totally-not sulking.]


lunawolves10th March 30 2011, 04:31:09 UTC
[he tosses him the package.]

"For you."


riastrad_ridire March 30 2011, 04:34:35 UTC

[Caught a little off guard--human reflexes were frustratingly like moving in slow motion--he fumbled with the package for a moment or two before getting a better hold on it. What...oh, this must have been the spear they'd talked about.]

...You didn't have to do this, you know. I have basically nothing I can give in return, and it seems somewhat unfair otherwise.


lunawolves10th March 30 2011, 04:36:43 UTC
[he shrugs.]

"You are an associate of Mamzel Tohsaka. You protected her when I could not. As her partner, I must make sure things are settled properly."

[he pauses, and smiles a bit]

"Besides, between warriors, there should be no thought of monetary debts or such things. Those are for the traders and the administratum to decide. Our questions are simply those of honor and fraternity."


riastrad_ridire March 30 2011, 04:42:03 UTC
Heh. I can't argue with that logic.

[A smile of his own crept across Lancer's face, an amused note to his voice.] As for Rin, she gets herself into more trouble than any one knight can keep her out of.


lunawolves10th March 30 2011, 04:44:36 UTC
[Garviel's lips twitch slightly, indicating he's trying to restrain his amusement.]

"Indeed. Will you tell me of your time? I have learned that all servants are warriors, and I enjoy the telling of tales. I will tell my own, after you are done, if you would like."


riastrad_ridire March 30 2011, 04:53:56 UTC
...You want to know my story? It might end up being a long one. [If he was speaking to someone like Garviel, giving up his identity didn't seem like a problem. Someone with that sense of honor wouldn't betray information like that, or so it seemed.]

[And even if he did, it hardly mattered. His identity was the first to get out back in Fuyuki, and he would fight the same way regardless of if he was called Servant Lancer or heroic spirit Cú Chulainn.]

If you're so interested, I may as well get us a drink. I have a feeling that between the two of us, we'll be here for some time.

[And he did sort of like talking about himself.]


lunawolves10th March 30 2011, 04:58:55 UTC
[he nods.]

"A drink would do nicely. Do they have wine here?"

[for whatever reason this is the only alcoholic beverage non space-wolf astartes are ever seen drinking.]


riastrad_ridire March 30 2011, 05:05:26 UTC
Of course. [He poured a glass of wine, setting it and the bottle down on the bar. Now that he knew his own limits as a human regarding alcohol tolerance, he'd be going a little easier himself.]

Where should I start?


lunawolves10th March 30 2011, 21:19:42 UTC
"Well, from the beginning, presumably. Though I have found that some storytellers like to begin from the end, as well. I can tell a story that way, and I probably will, after you are done your story."


1/2 riastrad_ridire March 30 2011, 22:14:24 UTC
Might be easier to start from the beginning. I'll see if I can keep this relatively short. [Lancer poured himself a drink, thinking over his words carefully before speaking.]

First of all, I'm not human and I never was until the day I arrived here. My parents were a human woman and one of the most powerful gods of our pantheon, so there was never anyone that could defeat me in a fight.

[He took a drink, smirking.]

When I was seven, I crossed paths with the famously vicious guard dog of a smith named Culann--given no other option, I faced it in combat and killed it. Of course, someone had to take the responsibility for it, don't you think? So I offered to train a replacement while acting in the place of the one I'd killed. That was how I got the name that became known as a hero of myth--Culann's hound, 'Cú Chulainn' in my native language.


riastrad_ridire March 30 2011, 22:15:00 UTC
[Okay, so maybe Lancer really liked talking about himself.]

Eventually I met the most beautiful and clever woman in the country, a princess by the name of Emer. For whatever reason, apparently her father didn't like me all that much. So, before I married her, he told me to go to the Country of Shadows and train under Scáthach ( ... )


lunawolves10th March 31 2011, 02:55:30 UTC
"I see. So you fought for love, then? I cannot imagine."


riastrad_ridire March 31 2011, 02:57:03 UTC
Among other things. Love, honor, glory...I'm sure many other heroic spirits fight for the same things.


lunawolves10th March 31 2011, 03:13:36 UTC
"I see. I fought out of faith in the Emperor, to bring peace to the Galaxy, and to free humanity from the superstitions of Old Night. To bring order to a race which had almost destroyed itself."


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