☘ 002; [phone/action]

Mar 29, 2011 23:40

[Hey there, Mayfield. There's a good chance a lot of you are pretty pissed off about losing all your shiny new stuff. Lancer is, of course, no exception.]

What the hell just happened?!

[And when Lancer's angry, everyone's going to hear about it.]

Everything just disappeared--my lance, armor, my damned contract, and I'm human again! How can this place take things like that so easily?!

[WHACK. Sounds remarkably like someone just punched a wall, doesn't it? The next time Lancer speaks, it's somewhat calmer--but with the faintest tone of frustration.]

I don't know why I'm even wasting my time asking; it's not like anyone else will have the answers I want.

This isn't over. I'll get everything back if it kills me ten times over. This city won't stop me.

...tch. Just when I was starting to like this place, too.

[Later that night, Lancer could be found working his usual shift in the usual bar--and he looked notably less enraged than he'd sounded over the phone. Compared to the kind of fights he'd gotten a mere couple of days ago, now this just felt tedious and boring.]

[It struck him now more than ever how completely powerless he was like this. Even as a Servant, what could anyone do against this town's games when they could lose everything so easily? But he wouldn't be defeated. No, heroic spirit Cú Chulainn didn't know how to give up. No matter the nature of his opponent, he would find a way to win at any cost.]

[Approach if you so choose, but he still isn't in the best mood.]

glad he's not a berserker class, fml, what is even going on, when in doubt sulk in a bar

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