☘ 001; [action/phone]

Mar 10, 2011 19:57

[Action for 1335 Benny Rd.]

["Well, get going. I'll take him with me--you go back to your partner." Even merely breathing caused the Servant in blue a near-unimaginable amount of pain; having a gaping hole in ones chest tended to have that effect. But proud Cuchulainn showed none of that, looking up at the girl in red with a calm and confident smirk on his face instead of an agonized scowl.

"...Farewell, Lancer." the girl said, turning her back on him. That was fine; there was nothing that could be done now and they both understood it. One would carry on their fight, the other would fade and return to nothing but a myth. "It's only been a short while--but I like people like you." For a moment, the girl stood firm and resolute--something Lancer couldn't help but admire. In those fleeting few seconds, he gave a passing moment of regret to the fact that this girl wasn't his Master in place of the wounded priest nearby. Just as quickly, the moment had passed and the girl sprinted off without another word.

"Heh." He couldn't quite help but laugh despite the pain it caused, tracing a rune in the air with an unsteady hand. "Come back when you're older, little girl."

There was a smile on Lancer's face as the flames erupted through the room...when he disappeared, it was with few regrets.]

[The first thing Lancer was aware of after that was the faintest trace of pain in his chest where he'd stabbed himself. But dammit, he was tired and this couch was comfortable--wait a second.]

[Lancer sat bolt upright in a flash, a look of undeniable confusion on his face. He was alive, after he clearly remembered immolating himself and Kotomine. More than that, he felt distinctly strange. Weaker, slower....human? No way. That wasn't possible. The hero Cu Chulainn was a demigod, and Servant Lancer was just that--a Servant. He couldn't be human, because he never had been. It would take sorcery on the level of a miracle to change him like that.]

[One thing at a time, he thought, raising a hand to his head. First thing...whose house was he in and what the hell was he wearing?]


Okay, this is a really screwed up hallucination, right? [It had to be. Nothing else made absolutely any logical sense.] If I'm going to die, I'd like to just do it instead of screwing around with some dream first.

☆ciel, ☆patchouli, ☆alice, ☆shiki, kotomine sucks, ☆rin, this deer is teal in color, ☆aisling, what is even going on, ☆archer

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