☘ 012; [phone; stages 3-4]

Jul 13, 2011 07:54

Yo, Mayfield.

[Lancer's tone was as light and casual as always, and he sounded as if he was in a pretty decent mood. Which contrasted particularly sharply with what he was about to say.]Did you guys know I had a brother? He fought against the country I decided to protect, so I killed him. And y'know...when you're a knight, you have to stick to ( Read more... )

ulster cycle is depressing, really dumb fo' real, could always be worse, perfectly well-adjusted individual, family issues, dammit lancer shut up, kotomine sucks, did i mention i hate kotomine, adamantium woobie

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notlikethemovie July 13 2011, 18:05:45 UTC
Wait. Culann's Hound? As in Cú Chulainn himself?

Holy shit where did I get sucked off to this time?!


riastrad_ridire July 13 2011, 18:08:03 UTC

The one and only, kid. [Well, maybe not only, considering Elizabeth was running around with some weird version of himself as a Persona or some insane thing like that.]

Just call me Lancer. It's not my name, but it sort of is. It might as well be now, at any rate. [Shutupshutupshutupshutup-]


notlikethemovie July 13 2011, 18:11:41 UTC
Lancer? [Why does that sound so familiar...?]

This is honestly kind of mindblowing at this rate. And I'm sorry about panicking the other day and screaming over the phone. I'd literally just started to recover from someone trying to kill me, so I was really on-edge to begin with and then waking up to find my body had been messed with threw me off a mental cliff. I'll try not to be so much of a bother next time.

[Wait, why is she still talking no one wants to hear all this!]


riastrad_ridire July 13 2011, 18:15:55 UTC
Hey, don't worry about it. I had a huge goddamn hole in my chest about two seconds before I got here stuck in a human body, so I think I can kind of get the idea.

Besides, you're not the first woman to scream in my ear. Or the last, most likely.


notlikethemovie July 13 2011, 18:18:49 UTC
That's.... [what do you even say to that, seriously?] That's a mess.

It's not intentional... It's just, I always feel so useless and flying off the handle screaming never helps, and it only makes everyone more annoyed with me.


riastrad_ridire July 13 2011, 18:26:04 UTC
It sucked. [Fact.]

Kid, I know a lot about flying off the handle. [Hoooo boy did he ever.] Takes a hell of a lot of restraint not to. Practice, too.


notlikethemovie July 13 2011, 18:30:26 UTC
Yeah, no kidding.

Yeah, I was always the emotional one in the pack. Probably because I'm the runt.


riastrad_ridire July 13 2011, 18:35:47 UTC
...You lost me at 'pack', kid.


notlikethemovie July 13 2011, 18:39:10 UTC
I'm a wolf. O-or I was, before I got here.

I know it doesn't make much sense, but the older alphas used to tell us stories about how we were changed with black magic back before we were chased out of the old forests of Europe.


riastrad_ridire July 13 2011, 18:44:59 UTC
Damn, really? That's kind of awesome. I'm living with a girl right now that can turn into a wolf. Well, I'm pretty sure she can change into a lot of things. Kind of magic, y'know?

...Wow, I really can't shut the hell up right now.


notlikethemovie July 13 2011, 18:47:36 UTC
Yeah, I look mostly human now though because of the curse. Even without being mutilated, all I had left was my ears and tail and fangs and claws. I think I might even grow a winter coat if it gets cold enough but I've never been in snow before so I don't even know if I can or not.

Oh thank God, it's not just me, then.


riastrad_ridire July 13 2011, 18:50:20 UTC
I wouldn't call it mutilated, technically. We're just stuck in the wrong kind of body. Mine's been nothing but trouble--humans have miserable reflexes. Stamina's awful, too.

Doesn't seem like it. I'm guessing the town's up to its usual shit--it kind of does things like this now and then. At least this time nothing's actively out to kill us yet.


notlikethemovie July 13 2011, 18:53:02 UTC
I'm almost deaf and I can't smell things right. But seriously, if you woke up to find your ears and tail gone, what's the first thing you'd assume? Someone chopped them off in the night, right? It's not like I could get a good look at the skin to see if there were scars or not. This was a whole new experience for me, I'm still trying to adjust.

I'm not sure if I should laugh, feel worried, or be grateful for that 'yet' you threw on there. Then again, the last place I was in was always trying to kill me so at least I know how to deal with that.


riastrad_ridire July 13 2011, 18:56:49 UTC
Fair enough. But hell, you take someone that was only ever half-human at best and stick them in a body like this? Still feels like I'm tripping all over myself half the time.

...take it from me, you kind of get used to it. And it gets easier to deal with when you start getting stuff back--now that I've got my lance I can at least handle a few things.


notlikethemovie July 13 2011, 18:59:14 UTC
Oh man, tell me about it. I thought I was a klutz before, but I think at this rate I'll probably break something.

But I heard that you can only get your stuff back by giving up something else. I've heard that you can get them back after holidays and bouts of town insanity or whatever it is that happens but no one's really explained it to me.


riastrad_ridire July 13 2011, 19:04:02 UTC
Far as I can tell? You've got the post office as one option, but giving up an arm or memories or whatever isn't really worth it. Unless it's one hell of an emergency.

Otherwise, after things go crazy like they seem to be doing now, most people usually get sent something from home. That's how I got my rune magecraft and lance back. And it's a damn good thing I got the lance, otherwise Scathach would probably come back from the dead just to kick my ass.


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