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phone; fatesjanitor June 4 2011, 06:32:50 UTC
Oh, I'm not invited?

[Wow rude Lancer. Sorry for keeping Rin alive, he'll just let her die next time.

Not that he really wants to come to your shitty bar party.]


phone; riastrad_ridire June 4 2011, 06:34:53 UTC
Never said you weren't. Hell, I probably couldn't stop you if I wanted to.

Lucky for you I really just don't give a shit anymore.


phone; fatesjanitor June 4 2011, 06:35:39 UTC
I guess you're not going to stop pissing me off and spreading rumors, right?


phone; riastrad_ridire June 4 2011, 06:38:46 UTC
I never told anyone a word about you that wasn't true, Archer. And if you're trying to make me angry, don't bother. I'm already so angry I can't even see straight.

[...yeah, he's looped right around from incoherent rage to 'fuck it, let's drink'.]

That kid in your house still alive?

[What went unsaid in that oddly upbeat tone was 'because if not I'm going to rip your throat out'.]


phone; fatesjanitor June 4 2011, 06:45:08 UTC
[As if he's afraid of you Lancer.]

If you're talking about the blonde kid, then yes. He didn't even get a letter from this mess.


phone; riastrad_ridire June 4 2011, 06:48:24 UTC
[Yeah, well. He'd still try.]

He didn't? [There was an audible note of relief to his voice, if only for a moment or two.] ...So it wasn't the entire town out for each other's blood, then.


phone; fatesjanitor June 4 2011, 06:53:12 UTC
It seems that the only people who killed were those who received letters issuing those orders. Rin and I both got one as well.


phone; riastrad_ridire June 4 2011, 06:56:44 UTC
Another stupid game, then. This place really doesn't screw around when it wants us dead--at least, dead for a while.


phone; fatesjanitor June 4 2011, 07:12:34 UTC
It's bothersome, but people who resisted were subjected to hallucinations for not doing what the town wanted.


riastrad_ridire June 4 2011, 07:19:54 UTC
Some kind of incentive to push them into playing along? Tch...this place keeps getting worse.


fatesjanitor June 4 2011, 07:21:27 UTC

So, did you get a letter?


riastrad_ridire June 4 2011, 07:22:06 UTC
Yeah, I got one. What about it?


fatesjanitor June 4 2011, 07:23:43 UTC
How long did you last?


riastrad_ridire June 4 2011, 07:26:08 UTC
Why would you want to know something like that?


fatesjanitor June 4 2011, 07:27:55 UTC
Just curiosity.

After all, it seems like everyone Rin knows thinks they would do a better job protecting her than me. So tell me. How long did you last without any Servant abilities backing you up?


riastrad_ridire June 4 2011, 07:32:23 UTC
[Flatly:] You're hilarious. Really. I'm laughing myself to a record-breaking fourth death over here.

Maybe I didn't last long. Maybe I did.

It really doesn't matter, because the thought of stabbing her or anyone else in the back would never even be a choice to me. So as far as that goes? I think I've got the better record between us.


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