☘ 006; [phone/action; mostly forward dated to 6/5]

Jun 04, 2011 01:56

[ooc: whoops, sorry, fixed some small thread-dating problems.]

[action; morning; 1335 Benny Rd.]

[For a moment--the most crucial moment, when a blade cut its way through his chest for the second time--he'd forgotten death was cheap in Mayfield.]

[So it was safe to say that Servant Lancer hadn't expected to wake up. Which of course he did, though he had no idea how long he was gone this time. It was disorienting to say the least--had he been gone only a day, had he been droned again? No, no that couldn't have been the case. He remembered Mayfield this time, as well as everyone in it. And a look at the calendar told him it had been roughly a week since he was last breathing. A week? Was that normal? Well, normal for Mayfield? Couldn't be, could it?]

[And what had happened after he'd died? Rin, Connla, Garviel, Diarmuid--if they'd died, surely they were resurrected just as Lancer himself had been. But was it over? Was the town done blackmailing them into killing each other?]

[Only one way to find out.]

[phone; morning of June fifth; private to Rin Tohsaka]

...Sorry I didn't call you.

[phone; afternoon of June fifth; open]

Yo. Since it seems like this stupid town is finished with its latest game, I've got an offer to make. Anybody that needs a strong drink or two, come down to the bar tonight. I'll personally make sure you're well taken care of, on the house. And I can assure you nobody in town knows how to make a good drink better than I do.

I think we could all use some downtime with good company after that mess. And I'm talking to everyone--any of the drones give you pretty girls trouble for being there, I'll take care of them myself.

Oh, and leave any thoughts of revenge at the door; any barfights I see had damn well better be the fun kind or you'll have me to answer to.

Garviel, Lancer, Rider, I expect to see you in particular all there. Got it?

[Then, with a slightly more rueful note to his voice:] ...We could all use a few drinks at this point.

[action; evening of June fifth; Olney's Tavern]

[And true to his word, Lancer was working behind the bar that night with the usual confident smirk on his face. Now that the chaos was over, he had at least one thing to be proud of: it wasn't often someone cheated death once, let alone three times. There was no point in being miserable over what Mayfield had done to all of them as far as Lancer was concerned. You couldn't change the past, so it was better to keep moving forward.]

[He would find a way out of here. That was what he looked forward to now, rather than what dirty trick the town would pull next. Or what reprehensible acts Lancer himself might be driven to.]

[Even if he had no real reason to go back, he'd find an exit for all of those that did. A knight was meant to protect people, and getting them the hell out of Mayfield was the best protection a Knight of the Red Branch could possibly offer here.]

☆yuri, ☆rin, ☆battler, ☆archer, epic fail, what the fuck was that, blarg i am ded, this isn't heaven's feel dammit, ☆flonne, ☆adachi, e rank luck wins every time, ☆garviel, ☆ken, ☆aisling, ☆alexander, ☆gilgamesh

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